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[[underlined]] March [[/underlined]]  [[underlined]] 1868 [[/underlined]]
I wish he had let us alone.
13th [[underlined]] Friday [[/underlined]]  We did not receive today as the girls wanted to go to the capitol & Mother was not well.  The Fessenden tickets took Carry & Lottie in.  Nell was going with Mr. S____ but came home as she had to wait some time in the Library.  The indignation about the tickets is great.  To day the court opened.  The President's council appeared and asked for more time fourty days.  The Senate went out for one hour & half to discuss the expediency of granting this request & then returned to continue the debate in the senate chamber.  The girls did not knno how the question was decided.
Read Phaedo with Father before tea.  Father says he has 1500 gallons of wiskey to sell, distilled during his experiments with meteors at a Government distillery
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[[underlined]] 1868 [[/underlined]]
in Georgetown.  The tax on the article is two dollars, & it sells for only 1,40 showing how great must be the frauds to make any profit.  The cost of experiments of the commission have amounted to 2000 dollars.  Father went to the senate to day to know what was to be done with the wiskey as Government is not authorized to sell it.  It is difficult to know how to dispose of it.  I am glad the meetings of the commission are over they have tired Father out & he has been besieged by numbers of people wanting him to favor certain members.  He says the business makes him feel uncomfortable, of the 100 men presenting [[members?]] he can only make one happy & must make 99 uncomfortable.
Father says an amusing thing happened to Gen. Tollen  He sent down south somewhere a large quantity of lumber