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[[underline]]March[[/underline]]  [[underline]]1868[[/underline]]
badly.  We have had a misty damp day  I am afraid it will rain tomorrow  I found scribbled in the back of the Congressional directory this evening a memento of Mr. Varley in a little squib He repeated to us at dinner one day when expressing his dislike of the Georges.
     George the first was vile
     But viler George the second
     Who ever heard
     Any good of George the third
     When George the fourth [[underline]]from
     earth descended[[/underline]]
     Thank God the line of Georges

The last two lines Father enjoyed highly.  Mr. Varley does not ^[[think]] much of the Queen.
17th  Tuesday.  Last Saturday at the club Sec. McColloch & others told Father of a wonderful spiritualist who had effected them powerfully.  He had told the Sec. & Mrs.. McCulloch some
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very strange things and they were very anxious to have Father see him.  He was sent for then but had a headache, so a meeting was appointed for him this evening in the Regents Room.  We ladies had no suspicion of what was going on we should have joined the party as it was we were in bed when Father came in, but we were too impatient to hear about the affair to wait until morning so Father at our urgent request came into our room & told us about it.  Sec. McCulloch Dr. Craig Mr. ___ & some other gentlemen were present.  The Spiritualist was a dreamy sympathetic [[?]] [[?]] very interesting in appearance.  Mrs. Eames had told him that Father's will was so strong he would not be able to do anything with him.  He made the raps openly with his hand upon the table, He began very adroitly by messages to those he had already [[contacted?]]
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