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[[underlined]] March [[/underlined]]  [[underlined]] 1868 [[/underlined]]
who was pleased with the ingenuity of the author in explaining the temptation.
23 [[underlined]] rd Monday [[/underlined]]  The Impeachment has commenced again  the President asks for a longer time for preparation for the trial.
24th  Mr. Trumbull sent two tickets for the trial.  Nell & Carry.  The court still discussing the proposed postponement of the trial.  Have given the Pres. until next Monday.
26th  Thursday.  S.S. Teacher's meeting Went afterwards to the K___'s & had a jolly time.  Mr. ___ there also.  Dr. Woodhull Gen. Bidwell having lost in a bet promised to treat us to candy all around whereat we children rejoice.  A. W. called in our absence with a pound of sugar plumbs.  Oh how we regretted ^[[insertion]] the loss of [[/insertion]] his visit.  Father & mother in their own room having a cosy
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[[underline]] March [[/underline]]  [[underline]] 1868 [[/underline]]
time together over a novel.  Before we left the H___s we went up to see the [[fron?]] head of the house.  He has had a hard time.  Looked ill & weak but very comfortable proped up in his easy chair.  We told him he deserved a great deal of credit for looking so cheerful under difficulties.  He made us eat raisins & laugh & talk with him for half an hour.  He said the President had been to see him.  Looked sad.  Mr. K___ offered him sympathy in his troubles.  He said this was a world of trial & he did not expect to be exempt he asked to do his duty.  That he is sincere in that I firmly believe.  The veto of the Supreme Court Bill wh.