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army 50,000 strong was to be stationed eight miles from Alexandria on the road to Fairfax Court House as an attack was to be made upon the latter place at 6 o'clock tomorrow. It was expected that the Southerners would retreat to Richmond or rather to Manassas Junction. Father went to see Mr. [[Harten?]]. who said he was very very sorry to hear Mr Bell's [[change?]] not remained a unionist. Father also saw the editor of the principal paper in Nashville he said he was very sorry he was not in Nashville when Mr B. made the speech declaration of [[d?]] sentiments He should have suppressed it as it was probably made when Mr.B. was unduly excited.

" 17th    Dr & Mrs Hodge came home this morning Major H. & Sam left yesterday I suppose they were among the troops we saw pass over the bridge. Prof [[?]] & Mr Alexander of Balt. were also here the former looks somewhat like Col. Butterfield. Met Judge & Mrs. Merrick on the avenue this afternoon. The Judge said it was very probable the armys were fighting then. Mr [[Wechlife?]] had heard from Mr. Seward ^at the war department that [[morning?]] that Fairfax Court house was to be attacked between 8 & 9 A.M. Father has just come in from the observatory where he went with Dr. Hodge. Coming home he met Mr. [[blank]] who had just
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