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March.  her table sat a gentle ladylike girl, an orphan whom she treats as her child & a rosy cheeked boy waited upon us also an object of her charity. Sarah Hodge came to us to day. 

Sat 21st.  This week as been a quiet one I am afraid for the girls We amused ourselves one evening in reading Frankenstein.  Mr. Welling was here one night. To day Sarah went to the President's reception. To night John [[Torrey?]] has been assisting at a [[carousel?]] frolic. Father is in New York. 

Mon 23rd.   We had all gone to bed on Saturday night when Father arrived. We did not expect him until to night. He came home with a violent cold. His visit in N.Y. was very pleasant He went with Capt. Davis & Dr. Buche to inspect the mode of connecting [[compasses?]] ^on board Iron vessels They were sent down to the [[Narrows?]] in a Government vessel. They have been appointed a committee to decide ^all scientific matters connected with the Navy At a soiree at the House of Mr. Bancroft saw the poets [[blank]] & [[blank]] was invited by [[blank]] to visit his Library. This was an especial treat as very few obtain admittance there. Several beautiful pieces of Statuary in the rooms excited Father's enthusiastic admiration. A visit from Mr. Harris & John [[Loring?]].

Sat. 28th.  Have been busy all the week with the New Boys Association. Mother & myself fill the office of Sec. jointly. Father put my papers in the nicest sort of order for me to day it was very kind. He is still sick with his cold. The Alexandria
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March.  girls left us on Tuesday. Mr. Welling & Capt. have been here.

Mon. 30   A visit from Mr. Lyon of Lyonsdale. He promised me a book, his photograph & a relic. a piece of a baloon made of the silk dresses of the ladies of Charleston. Mr. Lyon was instrumental in saving the relics of Gen. Washington at Arlington last summer. He is peculiar in his appearance, has a pair of dark eyes that twinkle under heavy eye brows & a long iron grey beard. Father once asked him mischievously how he obtained such a handsome wife. "Ah Prof" said he "I have a great deal of inward beauty." Dr. Bache Capt. Davis & Father are busy with their scientific naval business.

31st.     Mr. [[Reese?] a member of the Hudson Bay Company is with us He has lived for a number of years in [[Mahenzius?]] River far away from civilization. & has given us many interesting facts about the Indians. He told us to day at dinner, that if they once taste human flesh the desire for it ever afterwards becomes insatiable He knew one Indian who had eaten his wife & [[six?]] children the latter in sight of the Fort when he might have obtained [[?]] food. He knew of two Europeans who had been killed by Indian women their flesh partly eaten & the rest salted down for future use.

April 1st Wed.--     Mr. [[kerr?]], a Scotch clergyman dined with us. He seemed to think England very favorably disposed towards us. He thought at first she was inclined
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