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An Acrostic

J-ustice to beauty, wit, and sense.
(U-nequall'd in the present tense)
L-ooks sternly at me, while I sit.
(I-mprudent scribbler void of wit)
A-Julia's character to hit.

G-reatness of mind; a tender heart.
O-f softest passions sharing twice its part,
R-efinement both in thought and manners too;
H-onour, and justice giving each his due;
A-ll these rich graces, join'd with thousand more,
M-ake Julia lov'd and honour'd more and more.
An Acrostic

L.ured by a word, a glance, a smile, a nod,
O.[x]ur fine affections idolize this God.
V.ows oaths epistles oft persuasive prove,
E.yes are the sweetest harbinger of love.
Beauty and wit must die.
Learning will pass away,
    But virtue will remain forever.