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Evening Reflection.

Ah! now the shades of night descend,
	The busy toil of day is done;
The evening shade some pleasure lend,
	For I can sit and muse alone.

Where is the friend with converse sweet,
	To charm [[next word underlined]] this silent evening hour?
My thoughts, with answering thoughts to meet,
	And sooths my heart with friendship’s power.

Have I a friend, a real friend?
	Alas! I fear there is not one;
And I my life am doom’d to spend
	Neglected, cheerless, and alone.

Yet hush my heart! nor thus repine,
	In silence all thy sorrows bear
For conscious rectitude is thine,
	And virtuous pride shall check the tear.

Let friends pursue the rich and gay,
	And scorn to seek my humble home,
Perhaps I’m far more blessed than they,
	For here no jarring passions come.
