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To ********

The worlding may boast of his rich golden store,
There's something I prize far above;
Tis the sweet smile of friendship that most I adore,
The smile from the friends that I love.

Then why should our hearts ever heave a deep sigh,
Since friendship each sorrow can move.
And the big tears of grief that oft swell in the eye
Are soothed by the friends that we love.

Does sickness or pain e'er deny me of rest,
Then true friends will be like the dove,
Both gentle and kind, and you'll ever be blest,
With tears of affection and love.

Then give me, Oh! give me a friend that's sincere,
And then I will no longer will rove,
And he to my bosom shall ever be dear,
And he too forever I'll love.
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Absent or [[next word underlined]] dead still let your [[next word underlined]] friend be [next word underlined]]dear,
A sigh the absent claim -- the dead a tear.
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