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Thursday January 26, 1865
Called on the President who expressed much sympathy on account of the accident - gave his consent to - the secretary war to assist the Inst. in putting on a temporary roof.
Received a direction on orders from the Secretary of War directing Col. Alexander to render us any assistance. was uncomfortable with his delay to the service. Discussed the best forms of temporary roof. Concluded to adopt the one shown in the sketch which will not interfere with our putting on of our own roof. The work was entrusted to Mr. Clark the foreman contractor of the Paleur offices.
A gang of Irishmen was employed to clean away the debris. The weather was intensely cold.

[second page]
Friday January 27, 1865
Today a large number of carpenters commenced the putting on the roof - a gang of cotton mill men were engaged to assist in the handling of the boards - but as soon as the Irishmen saw the Negroes they all cleaned out without giving notice.
[crossed out with notations of correct date]
This out to be put in -    March 11th 
(Required Mr. Drexler to return tools borrowed from the Inst.
Wrote to Gen. Carrolton of New Mexico relative to the collection of Indian vocabularies letter prepared by Dr. Gibbs. 
 March 11th
Spent evening with architect discussing plans for the restoration of the building)