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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1865.[[Preprinted]]

Engaged upon the Report to the joint committee of Congress preparing a history of the operations of the Inston[[on superscript and underlined]]

  Called upon Judge Chase in the evening gave him a full account of all the doings of the Institution-- He is clearly of opinion that the interest on the fund ought to be paid in gold as every other permanent debt is paid

  Discussed with Mr Rhees the best method of making a safe receptacle for the papers of the Inst. concluded that the room in the N.E. tower on the level of the ground with fire proof cealing and iron doors would be the best

  Mr [Charles Mayer] Wetherill took the dew point in my study also a bottle of air for analysis from our dining room to compare with the results from the capitol

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1865.[[Preprinted]]

Spent the greater part of the day at the capitol in meeting the joint committee and seeing members.-- The committee with the exception of one member Mr Grimes agreed to the proposition to pay the Smithsonian interest in gold Mr[[left blank]] said he had been informed by Mr. Fessender that every trust fund in possession of the Gov. is paid in gold except the Smithsonian

  If Congress will order this payment no appropriation will be asked for
Mr Turnbull drew up a resolution to that effect. I think it probable that the resolution will pass. Reported to Mr Cox Mr W Davis and Mr Patterson what had been done