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[[reverse of newspaper clipping, not related to journal at hand]]
[[as-]]-sessment for paving Ninth-avenue, from Twenty-third to Thirty-fourth-street, with Belgian pavement, said amount to be applied by said Fullmer in payment of assessment levied against the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Twenty-fourth-street, between Eight and Ninth avenues, for the paving of Ninth-avenue, from Twenty-third to Thirty-fourth-street, with Belgian payment, and take his receipt therefor, and charge the same amount to the account of Donations, or any other appropriate amount

Which was referred to Committee of Assessments.

Report of Committee on Finance, in favor of adopting resolution, that the Comptroller be directed to draw his warrant in favor of Patrick O'Brien for the sum of two hundred dollars, the same being to remunerate him for the loss of horse at Corporation dump, corner of Sixty-second-street and Fourth avenues, and charge the same to account of Donations.

Which was recommitted to Committee on Finance.

Report of Committee on Repairs and Supplies, in favor of adopting resolution, that the Street Commissioner be 
[[uneven cut of paper, laid over]]

[[...]] this guarantee [[...]]
be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated.

Bidders will state the quantity they propose to furnish, how soon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly.

The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed best for the interest of the service.

Samples of such articles as are required to be of army standard, can be seen at this office.

Proposals must be indorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating on the envelope the particular article bid for. 

Colonel Quartermaster's Department

Office of the Street Commissioner
No. 127 Broadway
To Contractors. - Proposals Inclosed in a sealed envelope indorsed with the title of the work, and with the name of the bidder written therein, will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, Jan. 18,1865, 11 o'clock A.M.:

For furnishing gas to and lighting all the public lamps in the City of New York, lying north of a line commencing at the East River, at the foot of Grand-street and running through the middle of Grand-street to Sullivan-street, and through Sullivan-street to Canal-street and through Canal-street to the Hudson River,and south of a line commencing at the East River, at the foot of Thirty-fourth-street, running through the middle of Thirty-fourth-street to the Hudson River, for the term of one year.

Also, for furnishing gas to and lighting all the public lamps in the City of New York, lying north of the middle of Thirty-fourth-street, and south of the middle of Seventy-ninth-street, from the East River to the Hudson River , for the term of one year.

Blank forms of proposals, together with the specifications and agreements, can be obtained at this office.

Dated Street Department, New York, Jan 7,1865.
Street Commissioner

Quartermaster's Office, No. 17 STATE-ST.,
New-York, Jan. 14, 1865
Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. of Saturday, 21st inst., for the carting of all Government stores within the City of New-York which it may be the duty of this department to move, for the period of one year. 
Persons offering to perform this service are requested to state the price per carman's load of 5 (five) barrels of pork, 7 (seven) barrels of flour, or 1,500 (fifteen hundred) pounds' weight of other goods, for any distance not exceeding half a mile, with an increase of one-third for every additional half-mile. The party to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to have in readiness at all times a sufficient number of teams to perform the required service, and to keep them at work, when required, nights and Sundays, without extra compensation, and to be present in person, or by a competent agent at all times, to receive and execute all orders which may be given for work to be done.
No proposal will be considered unless coming from responsible persons, known to the undersigned, or who will be vouched for by responsible parties.
Each proposal must be indorsed by two responsible persons, setting forth their willingness to go security to the sum of $20, 00 that said proposal, if accepted will be faithfully carried out. 
Each proposal must be endorsed. "Proposals for Ca [[rest of article torn away]]
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