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No. XXXI [[image]] Mrs. R--ss No. XXXII [[image]] The Aerial Traveller ^ [[Lunardi]] London,Publish'd by A.Hamilton Junr,Fleet Street Decr 1,1784. [[end page]] [[start page]] This Day was published, Price 6d. The town and country magazine, For November, 1784. Embellished with the following engravings : I. A beautiful Portrait of the engaging Mrs. R--ss. 2. A strong Likeness of the Aerial Traveller. And, 3. An elegant historical Picture of Three Days after Marriage. Containing, among a variety of original and interesting articles, Mathematical Questions and Answers ; histories of the Tete-a-Tete annexed, or memoirs of the Aerial Traveller and the engaging Mrs. R--ss ; the Coffee-House ; the Theatre ; account of new books and pamphlets ; the Man of Pleasure ; sketch of a certain foreign Adventurer ; the Delineator ; the Observer ; Poetry ; Foreign Occurrences ; Domestic Intelligence ; State of Europe, &c. Printed for A. Hamilton, jun. opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-street ; and sold by G. Robinson, No 25, Pater-noster-row. Of whom may be had, The fifteen volumes, half bound, price 7s. 6d. each, or any single Number, price 6d.