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Of M. BLANCHARD'S Third Aerostatic Experiment, in company with M. BOBY, drawn up at the time of their departure from the Old Barracks, at Rouen.

On this day, the 18th of July, 1784, M. BLANCHARD made his third Aerostatic Experiment in the court of the Old Barracks at Rouen.

The Barometer stood at twenty-eight Inches and three Lines (*); REAMUR'S Thermometer at twenty Degrees. The air was clear (†), though cloudy, and the wind in the North-West. At fifteen minutes past five the Balloon ascended, with M. JEAN-PIERRE BLANCHARD, and M. DOMINIQUE-BERTRAND-JOSEPH BOBY, Greffier au Parlement de Normandie, the Companion of his voyage, in the presence of a very brilliant and numerous Assembly. In testimony of which this Certificate was drawn up the same day and hour.
(Signed) CAMUS DE PONTARRE, Premier Président.
DE BELBEUF, Procureur Général.
DE LA LONDE, Président.
BIGOT, Président.
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(*) The Barometer at London was that morning at eight o'clock, 29: 14. The next morning, 29:3. Rouen is as near high water mark as London. [Second Edit.]
(†) REAMUR'S Thermometer at 20, is about 69 of Fahrenheit. [Second Edit.]
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Of the Descent in the Plain of Puissanval.

MESSIEURS BLANCHARD and BOBY descended at thirty minutes past seven, by their watches as well as ours, in the Plain of Puissanval, near Grandcour, at fifteen Leagues distance from Rouen, having previously descended, and reascended three times, at pleasure, by means of their wings; for the purpose of affording to an infinite concourse of the Inhabitants, (who followed them for some time) an opportunity of seeing part of their manœuvres. The Inhabitants, on their part, being desirous to return this act of complaisance, testified a wish, which in fact was executed, of bearing them along in their Vessel, from the Plain of Puissanval to the residence of the Rector, distant about a quarter of a league, where, having arrived and alighted, they were entertained to their satisfaction (*). This Certificate was drawn up and read to all the Inhabitants, whose signatures are annexed, as well as to the Rector of the parish of Linemare, who was present.
(Signed) FORTIN, Prêtre, Curé de la paroisse de Puissanval.
JOUAS, Curé de Linemare.
LUCREST, Syndic de la paroisse de Puissanval.
DETREMONT, Syndic de Frénoy.
(*) It may be observed, that the Travellers were so surrounded by the Inhabitants, that it was impossible to repel them, except by threatening to ascent again into the air, if they did not curb their enthusiasm.