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[[This page consists of three images, the first two related, and in color)

[[Image 1]]
Vue d'avant
du Vaisseau volant.
[[image-colored illustration of a flying machine. The body is somewhat chrysalis-shaped (with beautiful artwork]; the mechanism consists of paired green propeller-shaped wings; two pair of wings form a cross near the top of the machine, another pair emerges directly from the top. This is the front view. The side view is shown below, in Image 2.]]

[[Image 2]]
Vue latterale du Vaisseau.

[[image-colored illustration of same flying machine as in Image 1 (above). The body is somewhat bathtub-shaped (with beautiful artwork]; the mechanism consists of paired green propeller-shaped wings; two pair of wings form a cross near the top of the machine, another pair emerges directly from the top, and goes from front to back of the machine. A green rudder (Gouvernail) emerges from the back of the machine. This is the side view. The front view is shown above, in Image 1.]]

Le Vaisseau-Volant de M. Blanchard Renferme une Mechanique ingenieuse qui, au moyen des leviers et des poulies mises en mouvement par les pieds et les mains du Pilote assis dans ce Vaisseau, agite les ailes a limitation, des Oiseaux, ensorte que, quand les unes sont elevees, les autres sont abaissees.
Nous en donnerons les details, apres l'experience faite en public. 
Chez Merlinet [[?]] rue St Jacques

[[very rough translation: Mr. Blanchard's Flying Ship contains an ingenious mechanism, which, with the levers and pulleys set in motion by the feet and hands of the pilot sitting in the vessel, moves the wings, like birds do, so that when one pair is high, the other is lowered. We will give the details after the experience has been made public.]]

[[Image 3]]
[[image-illustration of a balloon with a parachute, gondola, and paired wing mechanisms and rudder]]
Experiences du Vaisseau volant
de Mr Blancard Le 28 [[strikethrough]]Fevrier[[/strikethrough]] ^ [[May]]
Avec Privilege du Roy