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The great Attention now given by the Public to the several Adventurers who float in Air to distant Places by the aid of an AIR BALLOON, will it is presumed, draw the like Attention to the following Performance. The various observations on the Manners, Customs, and Characters of Persons, in different Parts of the World, made by the Aerial Travellers here exhibited, may indeed be considered as anticipating the utility and pleasureable conveniency of this Machine; but at the same time will, it is hoped, stimulate the Ingenious to bring to the highest possible degree of perfection that infant Mode of Travelling.
^[[June 1785 - handwritten in ink]] 
This Day is published, 
In Two Volumes, Twelves, price 6s. sewed,
Embellished with a Quarto Plate of Lunardi's Grand Air Balloon,
THE AEROSTATIC SPY; or, EXCURSIONS with an AIR BALLOON: Exhibiting a View of various Countries, in different Parts of the World; and a variety of Characters in Real Life.
Printed for H.D. Symonds, Stationers-court, Ludgate-street. 
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Near Hughes's Riding-School, St. George's-fields 
MR. LUNARDI's truly wonderful Apparatus, with which he filled his Balloon in so elegant a manner on Wednesday, having greatly excited public curiosity, Mr. Arnold takes the liberty of informing his friends, and the public in general, that it will be exhibited, with the present state of the Rotunda, every day this Week.
Admittance Sixpence each person. 
^[[1, July 1785 - handwritten in ink]]
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^[[1785.- handwritten in ink]] PANTHEON. ^[[4 July.- handwritten in ink]]
Mr. Lunardi, animated with that respect and gratitude with which the condescension and liberality of the British Nation have inspired him, takes this, as he shall every other opportunity, to express his feelings, and convey his acknowledgments, for the flattering indulgence and honor he has experienced. He is likewise happy to find, that a liberal public has pronounced the fullest satisfaction of his recent conduct, and that a conviction of his veracity and integrity, has restored him to the confidence of a generous nation, which those who envied him that honor endeavoured to annihilate.
As Mr. Lunardi must leave London in a week, to fulfil his promise of ascending at Liverpool, Lancaster, &c. he wishes to shew his gratitude for the numerous obligations received; therefore, for the satisfaction of every individual, he has entreated, and prevailed upon, the Lady who ascended with his Balloon last week from St. George's Fields, to gratify the public curiosity, by appearing at the Pantheon to-morrow and Wednesday only, between Twelve and Three o'clock, when she will be happy in answering every question asked relative to her aerial excursion; and likewise will be exhibited the Identical Balloon and Appendanges. - An excellent Band of Music will attend. -Admittance One Shilling.
N.B. The doors will be open from Nine in the morning till dark.
*.* On Thursday night the Pantheon will be illuminated in the same manner as it was for the Masquerade, when there will be a cold supper, and all sorts of wines, for the accomodation of private parties, exclusive of the admission money. After which there will be a Ball. - Admittance Five Shillings. Lemonade, Orgeat, Capillaire, Tea, Cakes, and all sorts of refreshment included.
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^[[5 July - handwritten in ink]] PANTHEON. ^[[1785.- handwritten in ink]]
IT having been particularly desired by numerous Friends, of the greatest respectability, that Mr. LUNARDI would have a Farewell Ball before he leaves London, for Liverpool, &c. He, ever ready to oblige his friends, and a liberal public, intends to gratify them on Thursday Evening next, the 7th inst. with an Entertainment, which he flatters himself will convince him, by a numerous and respectable appearance, that he continues in full possession of the confidence of a liberal nation.
The Pantheon will be illuminated in the same stile and elegance as a Masquerade. Besides the Band of Music for the Orchestra, there will be one provided to play at intervals, concealed in the Gallery of the Balloon, at the very height of the Dome.
The Doors of the Pantheon to be opened at Nine o'Clock. -Admittance Five Shillings; including every kind of refreshment, which, Mr. Lunardi is confident, a liberal public will think very reasonable.
And for the accommodation of his generous friends, either individually, or in parties, who wish to sup at the Pantheon, a cold Collation, with the very best Wines, &c. will be provided and disposed in the most convenient manner round the gallery and private rooms, so that any person may retire to supper without losing the conviviality of the entertainment, which must be the highest gratification from the gallery.
The Supper, which depends on the pleasure of the public, will be paid for extra; and as it is given to promote the pleasure of friends, and not from any mercenary motive, Mr. Lunardi trusts the public will think it very reasonable, especially as the admission and the supper together will not cost parties above half the masquerade admission, with the same pleasure, the masks excepted.
*.* The Rooms for Tea and Refreshments will be open at Nine, and finally shut at Eleven o'clock, to prepare for Supper, which, as well as the Refreshment, will be under the entire direction of Mr. Willis, of the Thatched-House Tavern, St. James's-street, so justly esteemed for his taste and liberality.
The Pantheon will be open To-day and To-morrow in the day time, for the exhibition of the Balloon, and gratification of the public, for whose pleasure the Aerial Travellers will attend.
Addmitance only ONE SHILLING.
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^[[1785- handwritten in ink ]] PANTHEON. ^[[7 July- handwritten in ink ]]
TO-MORROW EVENING, the Pantheon will be illuminate in the same elegant stile as at a Masquerade, when, at the request of several of the Nobility, Mr. Lunardi will have a BALL. Admittance Five Shillings, including every kind of refreshment.
The doors of the Pantheon will be opened at nine o'clock. But that every individual may have an opportunity of seeing the Pantheon illuminated, company will be admitted at One Shilling each, To-morrow Evening, from seven o'clock till eight, when the bell will be rung, and no person whatever permitted to stay after.
N.B. The Room for Tea and Refreshments will be open at nine, and finally shut at eleven, to prepare a cold Collation round the gallery and private rooms, for the accomodation of parties and individuals: But the supper must be paid for extra, on moderate terms.
+++ The Pantheon will be open This Day for the Exhibition of the Balloon, and gratification of the public, for whose pleasure, the Fair Aerial Traveller will appear, from one till four o'clock. Music will be kept constantly. To-morrow, at three o'clock, several Ladies will ascend with the Balloon as high as the dome will permit, when the exhibition for the day will close. - Admittance only One Shilling.
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Two bold Aeronauts, on a time,
Took a trip to the regions above,
Where the Gentleman thought it no crime
If he to the Lady made love.
"Oh! let me embrace you,"" he cry'd,
(His heart quite elated with mirth,)
The dame very archly replied,
That "She had no objection-on earth."
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[[image - black and white illustration of a Balloon in flight with a man and a woman on it's basket suspended over a roof with five persons on it.
[[Three speech bubbles around the balloon]]
The man in the basket says to the woman: Ah Madame it rises Majestically.
The woman answers to him: I feel it does Signor.
One of the persons in the roof says: Damme he's no Italian but a man every Inch of him.

Love in a Balloon.
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When will the rage for ballooning cease? How much longer is Lunardi and his female companion, to treat the people in the North with Goose and SAGE!
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This day was published,^[[1785 - handwritten in ink]]
THE three following PORTRAITS, in small oval size, and executed in chalk style, price half a crown each, fine impressions, and may be had together or separate.
1. Mrs. Sage, the first English [[underlined]]Female Aerial Traveller[[/underlined]], beautifully engraved by Burke, after an original miniature picture by Shelly.
2. Vincent Lunardi, Esq; the first Aerial Traveller in the English atmosphere, beautifully engraved by Bartolozzi, after an original drawing by Cosway.
3. George Anne Bellamy, late of Covent-garden Theatre, engraved by Bartolozzi in his best manner, after an original picture in the possession of Sir George Metham, modernised by Ramberg.

Printed for J.Bell, at the British Library in the Strand.

Of whom may be had,
A few remaining copies of the third edition of An Apology for the Life of George Anne Bellamy, written by Herself, in six volumes, price, 18s. sewed; or a new edition of the sixth volume separate, to complete sets.
Also the second edition of Mrs. Sage's Letter to a Female Friend, describing the general appearance and effects of her expedition with Mr. Lunardi's balloon, which ascended from St. George's-fields, on Wednesday the 29th of June 1785, accompanied by George Biggin, Esq; price 1s.
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This Day is published, price 7s. 6d. ^[[1785- handwritten in ink ]]
Dedicated to the Right Honorable Earl Carl sle Carlisle,

A PRINT of MR. LUNARDI's Balloon, as exhibited in the Pantheon after his Aerial Voyage in 1784. With the inside view of the said building. In which are introduced seventy-nine figures, drawn by F. G. Byron, and engraved by V. Green, Engraver to his Majesty; and to be had of John Acret, Picture-frame-maker, No. 44, Wardour-Street, Soho.
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It is supposed that Mr. Biggin, when he be lately ascended with Mrs. Sage, had great pleasure in contemplating the milky-way and Berenice's locks! ^[[July 7. 1785- handwritten in ink]]
It was the practice of yore for wise men to consult the stars, and afterwards answer the enquiries of less enlightened mortals:- The [[underline]]Sage[[/underline]] female declares she is ready to do the same,- and is in the fullest sense a Cunning Woman!
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^[[9 July - handwritten in ink ]] PANTHEON. ^[[1785- handwritten in ink]]
MR. LUNARDI, feeling the weight of his obligations to a generous nation, takes the earliest opportunity to make his acknowledgments for the honor done to his Entertainment, and for the obliging manner in which a polite company expressed their satisfaction, and their conviction, that Mr. Lunardi has performed his engagements with the public.

Honored with so great a share of public approbation, Mr. Lunardi, with sentiments of high respect, takes leave of the public, for an excursion to Liverpool, &c. where, he is confident, the generous wishes of a liberal nation will follow him, and crown his endeavours with the honor of public approbation, which is his chief motive, and greatest ambition.

In his absence, an intelligent person will explain the nature of the balloon, which will continue to be exhibited, in the state in which it ascended with Mrs. Sage and Mr. Biggin; Mr. Lunardi having another in the country for his purpose.

Mrs. Sage, whose sentiments and elegant manners are justly admired, will, in friendship to Mr. Lunardi, be at the Pantheon on Monday from One to Four o'clock, to gratify the public curiosity in her easy and pleasing manner. And as many respectable characters, ladies in particular, have expressed a desire to have a Promenade while the Parliament continues to sit, and keep them in Town, the Pantheon will be opened on Monday for that purpose, from Ten in the Morning till Eight in the Evening; it will therefore be both a morning an evening Promenade, for the convenience of the Public in general.

From the politenss of the Company on Thursday last, is is presumed the Promenade at the Pantheon will be graced with amiable and respectable characters.

A Band of Music will be constantly kept, which, with the magnificence of the building, and elegance of the Balloon, will be a passé-terns worthy of an accomplished nation.

On Monday, between Two and Three o'clock, a party of Ladies will ascend in the Balloon as high as the Dome will admit.

Admittance Only ONE SHILLING.
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THE PROMENADE will be continued every day, at the desire of many respectable persons, while the Parliament sits, and the exhibition of Mr. Lunardi's beautiful Balloon, in the exact condition in which it ascended with the agreeable Mrs. Sage, whose intrepidity has greatly excited the public curiosity, and her affability has equally received the commendation of the most respectable persons who have been at the Pantheon to converse with her.
The Pantheon will be open from Ten o'clock till dark, and young ladies may ascend in the Balloon, from Two to Four, as high as the Dome will admit.

Admittance only One Shilling.
^[[13 July 1985 - handwritten in ink]]
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Extract of a Letter from Liverpool, July 20.
^[[1785 - handwritten in ink]]
"Mr. Lunardi ascended in his ballon, from the new fort in this town, at seventeen minutes past six o'clock this evening; he remained in sight 35 minutes, then was lost in a cloud; appeared again in about three minutes, going very easy towards Ormskirk. He seemed very collected, and the sight was beautiful beyond description."
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BY desire of numerous Friends, Ladies in particular, who wish for a Promenade once a week, the Pantheon will be open on Monday, from nine o'clock till dark, for a morning and evening Promenade. At the same time, and every day, will be exhibited, Mr. Lunardi's curious Bird fixed to the Balloon instead of the Gallery, which, with the motion of the wings, has a noble effect. This very curious exhibition, and the beauty of the Pantheon, will render the Promenade worthy of the particular attention of the public, especially Ladies.

Admittance only One Shilling. ^[[July 30 1785 - handwritten in ink]]
This Day the Pantheon will open as usual.
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Lunardi's friends level a terrible blow at the female character of the two Miss Simoners who ascended with Blanchard, in calling Mrs. Sage the first female who ventured into the air:- Upon what foundation do they deny the right of these young ladies to be enrolled among the feminine tribe? - Or do they suppose that the public has quite forgot all former ascensions but those of the famous Lunardi? ^[[July 1785- handwritten in ink ]]
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Lunardi took a cat with him, as a companion to the clouds; some late balloonists have improved upon the hint, and taken a rabbit, as a better thing. 
^[[July 1785 - handwritten in ink]]
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[[31 - handwritten in pencil at bottom of page]]