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[[Black & white illustration left - seven men in greatcoats and stockings, three balloons aloft in background]]

Fowls of a Feather Flock Together

^[[Lunardi taking leave of his friends before his Aerial ascent from Edinburgh in the year   - handwritten in pencil below caption]]

[[Black and white illustration - right - man with flag standing in small wire gondola with flouncing]]

Ray Willis
[[Printer/engraver name on left illegible]]

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Extract of a letter from Edinburgh. Oct.7. ^[[1785. - handwritten in ink]]
"This being the day appointed for Lunardi's ascending in his Balloon from the garden of Heriot's Hospital, provided the wind blew from certain quarters, early in the morning, many an anxious and enquiring eye was turned towards the weather-cock, and as the wind, tho' nearly so, was not exactly from the points specified, it was a very great doubt whether he would or would not go up. This suspence, however, was soon removed by the firing of a gun, and the display of the castle flag, signals which announced Mr. Lunardi's intention of fulfilling his engagement. The process of filling the balloon began about twelve o'clock, and was continued without any accident or interruption till half past two, when it appeared completely inflated. The car was then affixed, and Mr. Lunardi having taken his seat, and his apparatus, ballast, &c. properly adjusted, the balloon was carried into the middle of the garden, and, precisely at ten minutes before three o'clock, Mr. Lunardi, gave the signal, and he ascended in a N.N.E. direction. Immediately on its rising, Mr. Lunardi, who stood up in the car, took off his hat, and bowed to the spectators, who returned it with repeated acclamations. At a greater elevation he waved his flag, and went over the city at a great height, directly across the Frith. When about half over he descended pretty low, and then discharging some of his ballast, he rose rapidly, and then disappeared.
"The military attended at the gardens, and there was not the smallest accident happened. So anxious were all ranks to be present, that great part of the shops were shut.
"Boats were stationed in different parts of the Frith, in order to assist in case the balloon should fall in.
"Mr. Lunardi reached the coast of Fife a little to the Westward of Wemys-house, and the balloon descended gently at Greenside, between Durie and Ceres, about two miles from Cupar, 25 minutes after 4 o'clock, having crossed about 18 miles by sea, and land, in the space of an hour and 35 minutes. Mr. Lunardi was received by a number of gentlemen at Cupar, who happened to be at the Michaelmas Head Court, and by the inhabitants of the town, of which he was made a Burgess yesterday, and entertained by the magistrates at dinner. He says, that at his highest altitude, the mercury in the thermometer stood at 18 inches 5-tenths."
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Extract of a Letter from Cupar, Oct. 7. ^[[1785]]
"I had the pleasure of seeing [[underlined]]Mr. Lunardi [[/underlined]] descend, and was so lucky as to be the first person in Cupar who espied him. When I saw him first, he did not appear larger than a small bird. He descended gradually in a perpendicular direction; the time he took in descending was about ten minutes. I instantly mounted my horse, and riding with the utmost expedition to the place where I judged he would alight, I found him in good health and spirits, though very cold. He alighted at a place called Callinch, within three measured miles S. E. of Cupar. After some hearty congratulations on his safe landing, I told him I had received orders from the Provost and Magistrates of Cupar, to request the honour of his company to supper, which he politely accepted of. A considerable number of ladies and gentlemen met us by the way, and escorted Mr. Lunardi to my house, where he supped. Next day a large company were invited to dine with the Provost, &c. when Mr. Lunardi was complimented with the freedom of the town. Every mark of respect has been shewn him by all ranks here, and of which he seems very sensible. Last night he went out to Lord Leven's, where he remained all night. Lord Balgonie came to Cupar, on purpose to invite him. He just now sets out for St. Andrew's. The Hon. John Hope, on whose ground Mr. L. alighted, has wrote to his factor here to take the necessary measures for having a monument erected. I caused Mr. L. to sketch out the track of his balloon upon one of Aindie's maps of Fife: from the scale it appears, he had travelled fifty miles in an hour and a half. He alighted 25 minutes past four o'clock.
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Edinburgh, Oct. 12. ^[[1785]] This day the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council appointed 
James Torry, Esq; to be Admiral of Leith. 
Francis Blair, Esq; Baron Bailie of Canongate.
Messrs William Firnie and James Murray, Resident Bailies.
Mr. James Clark, Treasurer. 
Francis Shand, Esq; Baron Bailie of Portsburgh.
Mr. John Gloag, Capt. of Orange Colours.
Mr. Lunardi was this day presented with the freedom of the city - an honour certainly due to the first man who flew over it.
Last night Mr. Lunardi was admitted a member of the ancient and honourable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, in the Lodge of Edinburgh St. Andrew, the brethren having met together solely for that purpose. He afterwards attended the Master and Officers of that Lodge on a visit to the Ancient Lodge of St. Mary's Chapel, and seemed highly pleased with his new connection, and the particular respect paid him by all present.
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^[[1785 -handwritten in ink]]
Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, Oct 12.
"Having in may last sent you an account of Lunardi's ascent from Herriot's Garden's, and knowing your attachment to aeroflation , I here inclose you further particulars of that aerial excursion: - After passing over Leith, and going half way cross the Frith, by Inchkeith, Mr. Lunardi, observing two boats with oars, which had gone out to observe his motions, and to be ready to assist in the case of accident, lowered his ballon about a mile, and hailed them. The anxiety of the spectators on land, at this time, was immense. every person was deprecating the fate of the bold aeronaut, who, they were afraid, would every moment be precipitated into the water. They were, however, soon happily relieve by Mr. Lunardi, who having thrown out some ballast, suddenly ascended to an amazing height. The balloon then took a direction N.E. by E. and, about 40 minutes past three o'clock, it disappeared to the eyes of the spectators on the Castle and Calton-hills. He afterwards proceeded eastward to Gulland Point, where meeting with a favourable current of wind from the east, Mr. Lunardi was fortunately carried across the Frith to the coast of Fife, a little to the eastward of Wemyss-house, and the balloon descended gently at Callinch, between Durie and Ceres, about three miles south-east of Cupar, at twenty-five minutes past four-o'clock, having, it is supposed, from the obliquity of the direction, crossed about 36 miles of sea, and 10 miles of land, in all about 46 miles, in the space of an hour and 35 minutes. 
   Immediately upon Mr. Lunardi's landing, the people in the neighbourhood, who were all on the look-out, run to congratulate him. Among the rest, was the Rev. Mr. Arnot of Ceres, who conducted him to the manse, and entertained him with that hospitality for which the clergy of the church of Scotland are so eminently distinguished. Before he reached Cupar, surprising crowds poured in from all quarters; and he was ushered in with huzzas, ringing of bells, &c &c. The Michaelmas Head Court being held there that day, he was received by the gentlemen of the county in the politest manner, and had the honour of supping with him. Thursday he was entertained by the Magistrates at dinner, and was made a burgess of the town. He is not yet arrived here.
   The greatest height to which Mr. Lunardi ascended, according to his own opinion, was 11,000 feet. The barometer then stood at 19 deg. 5-tenths; the thermometer at 29. For about half an hour, he says, he met with a floating snow; though at that time the weather was remarkable calm, mild, and serene.
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The Duke and Dutchess of Buccleugh, Earl of Kinnoul, Earl and Countess of Roseberry, Mr. Dundas, treasurer of the navy, and many other persons of distinction, were in the garden, and others on the Castle-hill, who all appeared highly pleased with this exhibition. It is estimated, that above eighty thousand spectators assembled, in and about Edinburgh, on this occasion, which put a stop to almost all business for a great part of the day; and considering that, at this season of the year, so many families are out of town, it is surprising so many people of fashion were present. A party of the 58th regiment, and about 40 of the city guards, attended at Heriot's Garden, to keep off the mob.
   Mr. Lunardi was dressed in scarlet with blue facings. He was perfectly cool and collected, and seemed to be much more at ease than many more of the spectators. He is the only aeronaut who has crossed the sea, except Mr. Blanchard ; and he was in the most imminent danger of being carried out to the German ocean, in case the wind had changed a point or two to the west; nor had he the smallest reason to expect any assistance, had he fallen into the sea, as night was fast advancing.
   It is very happy for Mr. Lunardi, he lives in an enlightened age. Had any one attempted such an aerial excursion a century ago, he would have been considered as a wizard, and fallen a sacrifice, like many other innocent persons, to ignorance and superstition.
   The elevation and boldness of the country round Edinburgh, together with the attempt to cross an arm of the sea, and where the Balloon could be traced the whole way to Fifeshire from the eminences, rendered this one of the most beautiful and picturesque aerial expeditions, that is possible, perhaps, to exhibit in any part of the globe. The whole was conducted with the greatest regularity and decorum, without any accident, and fully gratified the most sanguine expectation of an admiring multitude of all ranks of spectators.
   The balloon is shaped like a pear, or tea vase, about 30 feet high, and 23 br[o]ad, made of silk of different colours, covered with a netting, by which the car was attached. The car was decorated with pink silk, fringed with gold lace.
   Several noblemen and gentlemen, from a knowledge that the money received for tickets is insufficient to defray the expence he has been put to, and which was greatly 
incre[a]sed by his purchasing a complete new apparatus, rather than delay the time he had at first named, have resolved to open a voluntary subscription for his behalf."

Extract of a letter from Mr. Lunardi, to a Gentleman in Edinburgh, dated Cupar, Oct 6.

   "I have the honor to acquaint you, that I have been presented with the freedom of this town, and genteelly entertained by the Provost and gentlemen of Cupar. Lord Balgonie called upon me this morning, and requested my company at Leven-house, where I was a very politely received, and had the honor of meeting a number of people of distinction. I have also received congratulations of my safe landing from the principal gentlemen of St. Andrews, with polite invitations to go there; to which place I set out tomorrow. In short, I have every reason to be pleased with the attentions and civilities I have been honored with, since my arrival here."
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December 22, 1785.

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   When Lunardi first ascended in Scotland, the following remarkable occurrence happened, which has not yet publickly transpired. - After traversing in his aerial machine the unbounded hemisphere, the enterprising traveller was about descending at a country village on the north of the Frith of Forth. Seeing two persons, a man and his wife, occupying part of an adjacent field, he blew his trumpet as a signal for assistance. The peasant was struck with astonishment on hearing the awful sound, and his cara sposa was fixed to the ground in a similar perturbation. Not having ever seen a balloon, and observing it fall rapidly with uncommon grandeur from the clouds, their emotions of mind were on this occasion inexpressible ; and they both, as it were by instinct, fell down on their faces, and continued in this grovelling position for a few moments. The man at last, encouraged by his religious faith, sprung up with agility, and incited his wife to follow the example, by admonishing her with great fervency of eloquence, "Let us gang hame," says he, "Janet, wi' all convenient speed, and pray for our salvation. This is the day of judgment! Didna ye hear the sound of the last trumpet!"
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[[33 - handwritten in pencil at bottom of page]]