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of wealth through the lowest ranks renders the whole nation the general patron of useful designs.

In the centre of London, and in a street called the Strand, because it runs by the edge of the Thames, there is a large room constructed for the exhibition of pictures, by the first society formed in England for the encouragement of painting and sculpture.

Italians viewed this society, and every other of a similar kind, as the Europeans do the establishment of manufactories in America. The English had been accustomed to send their youth to Italy to learn just so much of the fine arts as would enable them to purchase and imitate its productions. At this time there are names in England, which are equal in reputation to any in the world. This, however, is greatly owing to the patronage afforded by his Majesty, who has instituted an academy for sculpture and painting, and who is himself the best judge in his dominions of the productions of his artists.

The Institution of the academy, gradually weakened and destroyed the society, and their room has since been fitted up, for a species of entertainment which no country ever produced but England; that is, a debate on political subjects, continued at random by any man who would pay for his admission, and speak so as to amuse the assembly. In reference to this entertainment, it was called the Lyceum; and in that Lyceum I exhibit my Balloon.

As the minutest step I take is interesting to you, I shall send you some of my proposals and advertisements just as they appear.

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I take the liberty to acquaint that I have undertaken the construction of a Globe of 32 feet in diameter, with which I intend to ascend, as soon as completed, to make the most interesting experiments, especially that of going many miles before the wind, and keeping the Globe constantly not higher than a gun-shot; previous to my constructing the great Machine for direction.

Being already involved in great expences attending the construction of so large a Globe, made with the best oiled silk--the filling it with inflammable air--the Machinery for the experiments, &c.--am obliged to solicit the assistance of the liberal promoters of ingenuity, in an undertaking of so curious a nature; by the improvements I flatter myself to have invented, I hope to render the discovery of great public utility; and presume to request you will have the goodness to honour me with your support and subscription: as approbation of my scheme may have weight with others, and induce them to conceive the practicability of it.
The gallery, oars, and wings are already made, and to be seen at the Lyceum, Exeter-Change, Strand, where the Balloon is now constructing, and will be finished in about a fortnight. With which, when compleated, I intend to set off from Chelsea Hospital Garden, having already obtained his Majesty's patronage, and Sir George Howard's permission.
Subscriptions are taken in at Mr. Debret's, Bookseller, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly; Mr. Booker, Stationer, No. 56, New Bond-Street; Mr. Barnes, Engraver, Coventry 
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Street, Hay-Market; Mr. Adams, Matemathician to his Majesty, No. 60, Fleet-Street; and Messers. Nairne and Blunt, Mathematical and Philosophical Instrument-makers, No. 20, Cornhill, opposite the Royal-Exchange.
Which Mr. LUNARDI will give his receipt for.
The guinea subscribers will be admitted into Chelsea Hospital Garden, and have a chair near the Globe the day of ascending, and may view the construction of the Lyceum four different times.
A half guinea subscriber will likewise be admitted into the Garden on the above day, and also accommodated with a feat on benches, next to the chairs and admitted twice to see the construction of the Machine.
The probability that my design would be executed, produced, what hardly any recommendatory letters, or other common means of introduction will do in England, I mean an acquaintance with persons of merit and consequence. England is open to all the world, either in war or peace; and a man of talents whether liberal or mechanic, cannot fail of support and encouragement in proportion to his merit. But it would be wholly useless to bring to London such letters of recommendation as would in any city on the continent enable a man to run through almost all the houses in it. Here prodigious effort of strangers has nearly destroyed that indiscriminate species of hospitality, which prevails on the continent; and which while it may be agreeable to those who travel to get rid of time, has not sufficient utility to attone for its inconvenience. But when 
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when once a circumstance in the situation or character of a stranger has attracted the notice of an Englishman; and he has declared himself his protecxtor and friend, it is worth a thousand of the civilities of general hospitality: a reliance may be had on its sincerity; and friendship is permanent in duration, as it is slow in growth. 
Sir Joseph Banks is among the first persons who have taken notice of my design; and he has honoured my subscription with his name. The reputation he has acquired as the first botanic collector in the world; as the friend and companion of Captain Cook, in one of his voyages round the globe; as the president of the Royal Society; and the general patron of knowledge and merit, renders any account of him to you unneccessary.
My subscription however comes in but slowly; nor has the Baloon, though larger, constructed of better materials and on better principles then any that has yet appeared in England, excited the curiosity I expected. This is partly owing to some ridiculous exhibitions of the kind whics have been had at the same place, and which have diffused a disposition to incredulity and suspicion.
My Baloon is composed of oiled silks, of which 520 yards are inserted in alternate stripes of blue and red, which give it a very lively and pleasing appearance. Its form is spherical.
The horizontal dimension of it is 33 feet; its circumference is 102. It is kept suspended, and at present is filled with common air only, which I inject with bellows, through tubes of oiled silk that pass through its sided. More then two thirds of the Globe are covered with a strong net, from which depend forty five cords, forming equal sections on its lower part, and uniting at the bottom. Those will be fastened to a circular frame,
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