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nience from the cold. The earth, at this point, appeared like a boundless plain, whose surface had variegated shades, but on which no object could be accurately distinguished.

I then had recourse to the utmost use of my single oar; by hard and persevering labour I brought myseif within three hundred yards of the the earth, and moving horizontally, spoke through my trumpet to some country people, from whom I heard a confused noise in reply.

At half after three o'clock, I descended in a corn field, on the common of South Mimms, where I landed the cat*. The poor animal had been sensibly affected by the cold, during the greatest part of the voyage. Here I might have terminated my excursion with satisfaction and honour to myself; for though I was not destitute of ambition, to be the first to ascend the English atmosphere, my great object was to ascertain the effect of oars, acting vertically on the air. I had lost one of my oars, but by the use of the other I had brought myself down, and was perfectly convinced my invention would answer. This, though a single, was an important object, and my satisfaction was very great in having proved its utility. The fatigues and anxiety I have endured, might have induced me to be content with what I had done, and the people about me were very ready to assist at my disembarkation; but my affections were afloat, and in unison with the whole country, whose transport and admiration seemed

* Attestations of particular circumstances in this letter have been received since it was written, which the reader may see annexed, in the manner of an Appendix.

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boundless. I bid them therefore keep clear, and I would gratify them by ascending directly in their view.

My general course to this place, was something more than one point to the westward of the north. A gentleman on horseback approached me, but I could not speak to him, being intent on my re-ascension, which I effected, after moving horizontally about forty yards. As I ascended, one of the bailustrades of the gallery gave way; but the circumstance excited no apprehension of danger. I threw out the remainder of my ballast and provisions, and again resumed my pen. My ascension was so rapid, that before I had written half a page, the thermometer had fallen to 29[[degrees]] The drops of water that adhered to the neck of the balloon were become like chrystals. At this point of elevation, which was the highest I attained, I finished my letter, and fastening it with a cork-screw to my handkerchief, threw it down. I likewise threw down the plates, knives and forks, the little sand that remained, and an empty bottle, which took some time in disappearing. I now wrote the last of my dispatches from  the clouds, which I fixed to a leathern belt, and sent towards the earth. It was visable to me on its passage, for several minutes, but I was myself insensible of motion from the Machine itself, during the whole voyage. The earth appeared as before, like an extensive plain, with the same variagated surface; but the objects rather less distinguishable. The clouds to the eastward rolled beneath me, in masses immensely larger than the waves of the ocean. I therefore did not mistake them for the sea. Contrasted with the effects of the sun on the earth and water beneath, they gave a grandeur to the whole scene which which no fancy can describe. I again be
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took myself to my oar, in order to descend; and by the hard labour of fifteen or twenty minutes I accomplished my design, when my strength was nearly exhausted.  My principal care as to avoid a violent concussion at landing, and in this my good fortune was my friend.

At twenty minutes past four I descended in a spacious meadow, in the parish of Stondon, near Ware, in Hertfordshire.  Some labourers were at work in it. I requested their assistance; they exclaimed, they would have nothing to do with one ho came in the Devil's house, or on the Devil's horse (I could not distinguish which of the phrases they used) and no intreaties could prevail on them to approach me.  I at last owed my deliverance to the spirit and generosity of a female.  A young woman, who likewise in the field, took hold of a cord which I had thrown out, and calling to the men, they yielded that assistance to her request which they had refused to mine.  A croud of people from the neighbourhood soon assembled, who very obligingly assisted me to disembark.  General Smith was the first gentleman who overtook me -- I am much indebted to his politeness -- he kindly assisted in securing the Balloon, having followed me on horseback from London, as did several other gentlemen, amongst whom were Mr. Crane, Capt. Connor, and Mr. Wright.  The inflammable air was let out by an incision, and produced a most offensive stench, which is said to have affected the atmosphere of the neighbourhood.  The apparatus was committed to the care of Mr. Hollingsworth, who obligingly offered his service.  I then proceeded with General Smith, and several other gentlemen to the Bull Inn at Ware.  On my arrival, I had the honour to be introduced to William Baker, Esq. Member or Hertford in the last 
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parliament. This gentleman conducted me to his seat at Bayford Bury, and entertained me with a kind of hospitality and politemess, which I shall ever remember with gratitude, and which has impressed on my mind a proper idea of that frank liberality and sincere beneficence, which are the characteristics of English Gentlemen.

The general course of the second part of my voyage, by which I was led into Hertfordshire, as three points to the eastward of the north from the Artillery Ground, and about four points to the eastward of the north from the place where I first descended.

This is the general account of my excursion.  I shall take a few days to recover my strength, and whatever particulars occur to me I shall send you.

I am, with great regard,

Your much obliged,

And humble servant,

London, Sept. 24, 1784.  VINCENT LUNARDI.