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The balloon was surrounded by a large crowd of visitors, anxious to see us turned off. We partook of a hearty dinner, and, as the adjacent clock of Chelsea tolled the hour of seven, the procession commenced in the following order; everybody trying to look as though they did not care about it; but in that state denominated by the ancient Greeks a [[ greek letters: phi, psi, nu kappa]]--

M. Laurent's Band, playing a dead march
Company.   Mr. Green     Company.
Some people who got in the way.
Mr. Dawes
(formerly much better known as "Charles," at the Albion. carrying the stores for the journey-- viz., Champagne.)
Teas.    Friends of Aeronauts ;  Teas.
(proud to know them, and shake hands with them before lots of people.)
Some more people who got in the way.
Admirers.  A Gent,  Admirers.
(wishing it to be thought that he was going up.)
The man in the moon, 
Accompanied by nine gentlemen, eminently distinguished in the Arts and Sciences, who honored him with their company to the skies

Shillings   Waiters,    Shillings
[[greek letters; 'Omicron iota   pi omicron lambda lambda omicron iota]]
We had been recommended to go on the hoop-- a circle of cane, to which the netting of the balloon and the ropes of the car ( which is a grand name for a baker's basket) are attached; and accordingly, we, with some difficulty, climbed there. This view, taken on the spot, represents
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The man in the moon.
Our contemptible efforts to get on to the hoop.

But, when once there, the seat is very comfortable ; and one which we really recommend all future visitors to take, for reasons to be hereafter explained. At the same time a ladder should be provided for the ascent--such as in olden times was found at the coaching inns for outside ladies. For all dignity is lost in the struggle. 
At length, when Mr. Green had hailed the last traveller with, "Going up, Sir?" we were all ready to ascend. We bade our friends farewell, and tried to smile, but it was a failure. Nor was the nervousness diminished by the last speech made by one of our party, that "he hoped all who heard him would avoid the bad company of aeronauts, as that, with drinking and joke-writing, had brought him to this sad end." He also added, "that he went up
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