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[[Top 3/4 of page contains two admission tickets. They are oriented 90-degrees counter-clockwise. The leftmost item is colored blue with black text and the rightmost is colored white with red text]]

[[Leftmost ticket]]
[[start page]]

Vahxhall.-- One More Double Ascent!
In consequence of the very unfavorable weather on Wednesday last, the Proprietors have determined on repeating this most int resting Exhibition; one unparalleled in the annals of Aerostation.
The Ascent of the Royal Nassau Balloon taking place at the same instant as that of Mr. Green's Balloon, will prove to the Visitors the extraordinary dimensions of the former.
N.B. Visitors may avail themselves of the Steam Boats, which now run from Vauxhall Bridge to every part of the River, as far as Gravesend. They also leave Hungerford Market for Vauxhall at Half-past every Hour.

[[engraving of a group of people, predominantly men, in the basket suspended beneath a balloon in flight. Flag of England being held by man on the leftmost side of the basked, Union Flag being held by man on the rightmost side. Man centered appears to be operating the balloon.]]

Ascent of the Royal Nassau Balloon and also of Mr. Green's own Balloon! Both to Start At the same Moment

[[engraving of an entire balloon and basket seen from afar. Balloon is pear-shaped and marked with vertical stripes with a horizontal band 3/4 of the way up. Two people appear to be in the basket, the leftmost holding a flag with no discernible marking]]

Several Entertainments
Will be given during the inflation of the Balloons: viz.--a Vocal and Instrumental Concert in the Open Orchestra, with Comic Songs, Glees, &c.--A Dramatic Piece, called "London Stars," in the Theatre--also the Gladiator's Combat, by Messieurs De Ruse and Merveille--Military and Quadrille Bands, various Scenery, &c. &c.
[[small line drawing of hand wit finger pointing to text]]
There will be Nine Seats in the Car--
Price: Gentlemen, [[symbol for British pounds]]21: Ladies, [[symbol for British pounds]]10:10s
Doors Open at Two.
Balloons start at Half-past Five
A Gala Every Evening
Saturday, Sept. 9.
Admission, One Shilling.
Day Fete, Monday, Sept. 4--Admission, One Shilling.
[Balne, Printer, 36, Gracechurch Street.

[[end page]]

[[Rightmost advertisement]]
[[start page]]

Vahxhall.-- One More Double Ascent!
[[handwritten]] Which did not [[take place??]][[/handwritten]]

In consequence of the very unfavorable weather on Wednesday last, the Proprietors have determined on repeating this most int resting Exhibition; one unparalleled in the annals of Aerostation.
The Ascent of the Royal Nassau Balloon taking place at the same instant as that of Mr. Green's Balloon, will prove to the Visitors the extraordinary dimensions of the former.
N.B. Visitors may avail themselves of the Steam Boats, which now run from Vauxhall Bridge to every part of the River, as far as Gravesend. They also leave Hungerford Market for Vauxhall at Half-past every Hour.

[[engraving of a group of people, predominantly men, in the basket suspended beneath a balloon in flight. Flag of England being held by man on the leftmost side of the basked, Union Flag being held by man on the rightmost side. Man centered appears to be operating the balloon.]]

Ascent of the Royal Nassau Balloon and also of Mr. Green's own Balloon! Both to Start At the same Moment

[[engraving of an entire balloon and basket seen from afar. Balloon is pear-shaped and marked with vertical stripes with a horizontal band 3/4 of the way up. Two people appear to be in the basket, the leftmost holding a flag with no discernible marking]]

Several Entertainments
Will be given during the inflation of the Balloons: viz.--a Vocal and Instrumental Concert in the Open Orchestra, with Comic Songs, Glees, &c.--A Dramatic Piece, called "London Stars," in the Theatre--also the Gladiator's Combat, by Messieurs De Ruse and Merveille--Military and Quadrille Bands, various Scenery, &c. &c.
[[small line drawing of hand wit finger pointing to text]]
There will be Nine Seats in the Car--
Price: Gentlemen, [[symbol for British pounds]]21: Ladies, [[symbol for British pounds]]10:10s
Doors Open at Two.
Balloons start at Half-past Five
A Gala Every Evening
Saturday, Sept. 9.
Admission, One Shilling.
Day Fete, Friday, Sept. 8--Admission, One Shilling.
[[small line drawing of hand wit finger pointing to text]] The Balloons will start earlier than usual Viz. Five O'Clock
[Balne, Printer, 36, Gracechurch Street.

[[end page]]

[[bottom quarter of page contains 3 columns of newsprint]]

[[leftmost column]]
[[start page]]
Royal Gardens, Vauxhall.
(Under the Especial Patronage of her Majesty.)
One Week More
[[handwritten]]Sep. 4 1839[[/handwritten]]

The proprietors beg to announce that the Gardens will remain Open Three Nights more, and that the present season will terminate with THREE GRAND GALAS.
The Entertainments THIS EVENING, Sept. 4, will embrace the Concert, a Dramatic Piece in which (by the kind permission of B. Webster, Esq.), Mrs. F. Matthews will perform, also Mr. Bedford and Mr. Buckingham. The wonderful Feats of the French Juggler. Mr. Sedgwick's solo on the Concertina. Grand Illuminations and Fireworks.--Doors open at Half-past Seven. Admission 1s.
TO-MORROW, September 5, an EVENING GALA, on which occasion, in addition to all the above amusements, Mr. Green will make a NIGHT ASCENT in his Coronation Balloon, and when at a great altitude discharge a splendid piece of Fireworks. This will be the only night ascent this season. Doors open a half-past Seven. Ascent at 10. Admission 1s.

[[end page]]

[[center column]]
[[start page]]
Royal Gardens, Vauxhall.
(Under the Especial Patronage of her Majesty.)
[[handwritten]]Sep. 5 1839[[/handwritten]]
THIS EVENING (Thursday), an EVENING GALA will take place with a great variety of amusements. In addition to which, Mr. Green will make his first and last NIGHT ASCENT this season in his Coronation Balloon, and when at a great altitude discharge a splendid piece of Fireworks. Doors open at half-past Seven. Ascent at Ten. Fireworks by d'Erust at Half-past Ten. Admission, 1s 6d.
TO-MORROW EVENING (Friday), being the last night of the present season, A GRAND MASQUERADE will be given on a scale of great splendour.-Doors open at Ten. Fireworks at Twelve. Ladies or Gentlemen 5s each.
Masks, Dresses, &c. can be had of Mr. Nathan, 18 Castle-street, Leiceater-square; or at the Gardens, on the evening of the Masquerade.

[[end page]]

[[rightmost column]]
[[start page]]
Royal Gardens, Vauxhall.
(Under the Especial Patronage of her Majesty.)
[[handwritten]]Sep. 3 1839[[/handwritten]]
The Proprietors beg to announce that the Gardens will remain Open One Week more, and that the present season will terminate with FOUR GRAND GALAS.
The Entertainments THIS EVENING, Sept. 3, and To-morrow, Sept. 4, will embrace the Concert, a Dramatic Piece in which (by the kind permission of B. Webster, Esq.), Mrs. F. Matthews will perform, also Mr. Bedford and Mr. Buckingham. The wonderful Feats of the French Juggler. Mr. Sedgwick's solo on the Concertina. Grand Illuminations and Fireworks.--Doors open at Half-past Seven. Admission 1s.
On Thursday, September 5, an EVENING GALA on which occasion, in addition to the above amusements, Mr. Green will make a NIGHT ASCENT this season in his Coronation Balloon, and when at a great altitude discharge a splendid piece of Fireworks. This will be the only night ascent this season. Doors open at half-past Seven. Ascent at 10. Admission, 1s.

On FRIDAY, Sept6.-LAST NIGHT of the SEASON.--A GRAND MASQUERADE will take place on an unusual scale of splendour. This being the Last Masquerade of the Season, the Proprietors have determined to make the price of admission to both Ladies and Gentlemen Five Shillings.

[[end page]]