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Admission now ONLY SIX-PENCE.
Every person in London may now See the
From PARIS, Forty Feet in Circumference,
MONSIEUR CHEVALIER has the Honor of announcing to the inhabitants of London and Westminster! that the Grand Ærostatic Globe of the immortal Monsieur de MONTGOLFIER, which has astonished and delighted all Europe,is just arrived in this Capital from PARIS, in its Progress to the University of Oxford;and that in order to gratify their Curiosity, this immense, sublime, and most brilliant Spectacle will be exhibited to them only THIS DAY and TO-MORROW, before its Removal to Oxford, in the Grand Apartment called the LYCEUM, Three Doors above EXETER-'CHANGE, in the Strand, London.
  As Monsieur de MONTGOLFIER! for the Honor of Science, and with all the Liberality of a true Philosopher! has ordained his AIR BALLOON to be shewn to the English Nation without any Expence, Monsieur CHEVALIER permits the Domestic, who has the Honor of superintending it, to receive 
from each Person, to defray in Part the Expences of this Advertising, and of the noble and most commodious Apartment in which it is exhibited. It is hoped therefore, that the Learned and the Curious (in every Rank and Station in Life) will instantly profit by this public Notice.
  This brilliant and most magnificent Spectacle is doubly Gilt; it contains about Two Thousand Gallons of inflammable Gas, or Air; and the Whole exhibits the Appearance of a Huge World, invisibly suspended by Omnipotence, floating in the incomprehensible infinity of eternal space !!!
  The Balloon being full Forty Feet in Circumference, if it was in Reality what it appears to be, solid Gold, it would weigh more than Four Millions of Pounds. A noble Gallery is attached to the Balloon, being the exact Model of that which Mess Charles and Robert performed their Aeriel Journey in France.
 N.B. As it will be shewn only THIS DAY and TO-MORROW, Company will be admitted from Nine in the Morning 'till Six at Night.
  *** A beautiful Print of the Balloon, (with Monsieur MONTGOLFIER filling it and explaining it; and as it was exhibited before their Majesties and the Royal Family!) will be given gratis to every Person as they enter the Grand Room, worth the Money given for Admission.
    Vive le Roi! et la Reîne!
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GRAND AIR BALLOON! from Paris, forty feet in circumference.
^[[27 Feb. 1784 - handwritten in ink]]
MONS. CHEVALIER has the honor of announcing to the Noblesse of England, that the Grand Aerostatic Globe of the immortal Monsieur MONTGOLFIER, which has astonished and delighted all Europe, is just arrived in this capital from Paris, in its progress to the University of Oxford; and that in order to gratify their curiosity, this immense, sublime, and most brilliant spectacle, will be exhibited to them This and two following Days, before its removal to Oxford, in the grand apartment called thee LYCEUM, three doors above Exeter 'Change, in the Strand, London.
  As Monsieur Montgolfier, for the honor of science, and with all the liberality of a true philosopher, has ordained his Air Balloon to be shewn to the English Nation without any expence, Monsieur Chevalier permits the domestic, who has the honor of superintending it, to receive but One Shilling from each person, to defray, in part, the expences of this advertising, and of the noble and most commodious apartment in which it is exhibited. It is hoped therefore, that the learned and curious will instantly profit by this public notice.
  This brilliant and most magnificent spectacle is doubly gilt: it contains about two thousand gallons of inflammable gas, or air; and the whole exhibits the appearance of a huge world, invisibly suspended by Omnipotence, floating in the incomprehensible infinity of eternal space!!!
  N.B. As the time is so very short, Company will be admitted from nine in the morning till five at night.
  *** A beautiful Print of an Air Balloon, and of Mons. de Montgolfier filling it, will be given Gratis.
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  By Air Balloons!—into the Heaven of Heavens!!
  We NOW presume tho ’Earthly Guests,    ^[[Feb.1784 - handwritten in ink]]
  And breathe IMPERIAL AIR!
GRAND AIR BALLOON, from PARIS, Forty Feet in Circumference, at the LYCEUM, STRAND.
MONSIEUR CHEVALIER has the Honor of announcing to the Noblesse of England!  that the Grand Aerostatic Globe of the immortal M. MONTGOLFIER, which has astonished and delighted all Europe, is just arrived in this Capital from Paris, in its progress to the University of Oxford; and that in order to gratify their curiosity, this immense, sublime, and most brilliant Spectacle will be exhibited to them for a few days, before its removal to Oxford, in the Grand Apartment called the LYCEUM, three doors above Exeter-'Change, in the Strand, London. As M. Montgolfier! for the honor of science, and with all the liberality of a true Philosopher! has ordained his AIR BALLOON to be shewn to the English nation without any expence, M. Chevalier permits the domestic, who has the honor of superintending it, to receive but ONE SHILLING from each Person, to defray in part the expences of this advertising, and of the noble and most commodious apartment in which it is exhibited. It is hoped therefore, that the learned and the curious will instantly profit by this public notice, as it will be removed to Oxford in a few days, and contains 1700 gallons of inflammable gas or air; and this brilliant spectacle is doubly overlaid with gold! the whole exhibits the appearance of a huge world invisibly suspended by Omnipotence! and floating in the incomprehensible infinity of eternal space !!! The Balloon being full forty feet in circumference, if it was in reality what it appears to be, solid gold, it would weigh more than four millions of pounds. 
  N.B. As the time is so short, Company will be admitted from Nine in the Morning till Five at Night; and as the Balloon exhibits a far more brilliant spectacle by candle-light than by day-light, the Lyceum will be illuminated with covered Lamps this and the two following Evenings, from Seven till ten o’Clock, and the Balloon will float richly decorated with artificial flowers.
   Vive le Roi et la Reîne!
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^[[20 March 1784 - handwritten in ink]]
    Admission now only SIX-PENCE.
Every Person in London may now see the GRAND AIR BALLOON, from PARIS, forty Feet in Circumference.
MONSIEUR CHEVALIER has the Honor of announcing to the Noblesse of England! that the Grand Aerostatic Globe of the immortal M. MONTGOLFIER, which as astonished and delighted all Europe, is arrived in this capital from Paris; and that in order to gratify their curiosity, this immense, sublime, and most brilliant spectacle will be exhibited two Days more, in the Grand Apartment called the LYCEUM, three doors above Exeter-'Change, Strand, London.
  This brilliant and most magnificent spectacle is doubly gilt; it contains about 2000 gallons of inflammable gas, or air; and the whole exhibits the appearance of a huge world, invisibly suspended by Omnipotence, floating in the incomprehensible infinity of eternal space !!!
  N.B. A Print of a Balloon will be given gratis.
  *** A beautiful Gallery is attached to the Balloon; an exact model of that in which Messrs. Charles and Roberts performed their aerial journey in France.
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     LYCEUM, Strand, March 25, 1784.
MONSIEUR CHEVALIER respectfully informs the Public, that the Exhibition of his Grand AEROSTATIC GLOBE will certainly close to-morrow Evening, the Room in which it is exhibited being let for another purpose.
    Admission new only SIX-PENCE.
  Every Person in London may now see the GRAND AIR BALLOON, from PARIS, Forty Feet in Circumference, in the Grand Apartment called the LYCEUM, three doors above Exeter-'Change, Strand, London.- This brilliant and most magnificent spectacle is doubly gilt; it contains about 2000 gallons of inflammable gas, or air; and the whole exhibits the appearance of a huge world, invisibly suspended by Omnipotence, floating in the incomprehensible infinity of eternal space!!!
  N.B. A Print of a Balloon will be given gratis.
  *** A beautiful Gallery is attached to the Balloon; an exact model of that in which Messrs. Charles and Roberts performed their aerial journey in France.
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^[[1784 - handwritten in ink]] 
Admission now ONLY SIX-ENCE.
Every person in London may now See the
GRAND AIR BALLOON! from PARIS, forty feet in circumference.
(A beautiful Gallery is attached to the Balloon, the exact model of that in which Messrs. Charles and Robert performed their aetherial excursion in France.)
MONS. CHEVALIER has the honor of announcing to the Noblesse of England, that the Grand Aerostatic Globe of the immortal Monsieur MONTGOLFIER, which has astonished and delighted all Europe; is just arrived in this capital from PARIS, in its Progress to the University of Oxford; and that in order to gratify their curiosity, this immense, sublime, and most brilliant spectacle, will be exhibited to them this and two following Days, before its removal to Oxford, in the grand apartment called the LYCEUM, three doors above Exeter 'Change, in the Strand, London. 
  As Monsieur Montgolfier, for the honor of science, and with all the liberality of a true Philosopher, has ordained his Air Balloon to be shewn to the English Nation without any expence, Monsieur Chevalier permits the domestic, who has the honor of superintending it, to receive the above sum from each person, to defray, in part the expences of this advertising, and of the noble and most commodious apartment in which it is exhibited. It is hoped therefore, that the learned and the curious will instantly profit by this public notice.
  This brilliant and most magnificent spectacle is doubly gilt: it contains about two thousand gallons of inflammable gas, or air; and the whole exhibits the appearance of a huge world, invisibly suspended by Omnipotence, floating in the incomprehensible infinity of eternal space !!!
  N.B. As the time is so very short, Company will be admitted from nine in the morning till five at night.
  *** A beautiful Print of an Air Balloon, and of Mons. de Montgolfier filling it, will be given Gratis.  
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