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[[start page]]
R. = Rare
S. or Not ab. = Scarce or Not abundant
f.ab = Fairly abundant
Ab = Abundant
[[underline]] V.ab = Very Abundant [[/underline]] 
[[underline]] Com. [[/underline]] = Common - i.e., occurring nearly everywhere in the region -
[[image - "K" in circle]] = Konai
[[image - "A" in circle]] = Aleut
[[image - "R" in circle]] = Russian

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Memo of Plants Collected in [[underline]] Lake Iliamna Region - [[/underline]]
Date  No.  Name  Ok.
[[underline]] June 19 [[/underline]] 1 Rubus stellatus, Smith
Rocky slopes  Iliamna Bay
[[underline]] Ab. open woods & sandy shores [[/underline]]         
[[image - "K" in circle]] = Ung - Koothl
Fruit is eaten both raw + stewed
8/2/02. Saw patches of this berry still in bloom 
near Kecjith to day - 

" 2 Vaccinium Vitis-Idaca,L. ok
Rocky slopes    Iliamna Bay
[[underline]] Ab. [[/underline]] [[underline]] Open woods & tundra [[/underline]]      
[[image - "K" in circle]] =  'Huig-ah-goh - (thoon-ah)
Fruit is eaten raw, stewed + in the absence of sugar it is cooked with lard or grease
Vaccinium vitis-idaca L.

" 3 Spiraea betulaefolia, Pall.
Rocky slopes  Iliamna Bay
[[underline]] V.ab. [[/underline]] Open woods, shores + river banks
[[image - "K" in circle]] = Ung-guth-lah
Spiraea betulifolia Pall.

" 4 Trientalis arctica, Fisch.
Mossy glades + open woods  Iliamna Bay
[[underline]] Com. [[/underline]] [[image - "K" in circle]] = Thoon-thal-bitz - a
Trientalis europaea arctica (Fisch.) Ledeb.
[[end page]]