Viewing page 10 of 156

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66 (Cesclip.)
67 [[check mark]] Vitaceae
Rhoicissus revoilii Planch.
68 Salvia?
69 (Mal[o?].)
70 ([Amo?]ryl.)
71 (Rub.)
72 (Legum.)    det. B. Verdwurt 12/69
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. var. nubica Chiov.
73 Cardiospermum
74 (Cy[p?]eroe.)
75 Heliotropium
76 (Mimosae.) Fabaceae
Acacia polyacantha Willd.
77 (Cyperae)
78 (Cy[p?]eroe.)
[[page break]]
Banks of the Undurango, etc.
May 12-20, 1909.