Viewing page 11 of 156

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79 (Gram.)
80 (Cyp.)
81 (Comp.)
82 Verbena officionalis L.  lat [[?]]N Moldente 1962
83 [[checkmark]] Tiliaceae
   Grewia similis K. Schum
84 [[checkmark]]
85 ([[strikethrough]] Caprifol.?[[//strikethrough]] Rubiaceae
   Psychotria kirkiiltiern var. volkensii (K. Schum.) verds.
86 (Cucurb.)
87 Asparagus
88 (Comp.)
89 Solanuu incanum L.  Solanaceae
90 (Rub.)  Det. B. Verdcourt 30/11/50
[[underline]] Pentanisia ouranogyne [[/underline]] S. Moore
91 (Amaranth) 
Achyranthes schinzii (Standl.) Cuf.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Banks of the Undurango etc. 
May 12-20, 1909