Viewing page 22 of 156

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221 Asparagus
222 (Verbenac.) [[begin new handwriting]] Lantana trifolia L. ? forma hirsuta Moldenke det. R.
Fernandes 1987
[Lantana rugosa Thunb. det HN Moldenke 1965] [[end new handwriting]]
223 (Verbenac.)
[[begin new handwriting]] Lippia kitniensis Vatke (= L.. ukambensis anct. non Vatke) det. R. [[continues on adjoining page]] Fernandes 1986 [[end new handwriting]]
224 (Burserac.) [[begin new handwriting]] [[checkmark]]
Commiphora african (A. Rich.) Engl. det J.B. Gillet 6/1982 [[end new handwriting]]
225 Datura
226 (Rub.)
227 [[strikethrough]] (Amaryl.) [[/strikethrough]] [[begin new handwriting]] Liliaceae
Aloe sp. [[end new handwriting]]
228 (Commelin.)
[[begin new handwriting]] Commelina benghalensis L. (unusual form with swollen shoot bases as in C. sp A) [[end new handwriting]]
229 [[checkmark]] [[overwritten by]] Senecis [[?]]
230 (Cichor.)
231 (Acanth.)
232 (Solonac.)
[[begin new handwriting]] Solanum indicum L. [[end new handwriting]]
233 (Euphorb.) [[begin new handwriting]] [[checkmark]]
Tragiella natalensis (Sond.) Pax & Hoffm.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[typed on rectangle of plain paper glued to page]]
Vicinity of Nairobi, on the Uganda Railway, British East
Africa; altitude 2000 meters
No.   Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector   May 26 to June 1, 1909