Viewing page 28 of 156

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299 (Meuthae.)

300 Raphamus ?

301 [[checkmark]] Verbenaceae
     Duranta repens L.  det HN. Moldente 1966
302 [[checkmark]]

303 (Malv.)

304 (Euphorb.)
    Croton alceinus Pax
305 [[checkmark]]

306 (Euphorb.)

307 (Caesaefium)

308 [[checkmark]] Tiliaceae
309 [[checkmark]] Rubriaceae
         Canthrium Keniense Bullock
[[hand drawn line across page in pencil after item number 309]]

310 (Cruc.)

311 (Cucurt.)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[On an inserted paper at the top of the page]]
Vicinity of Nairobi, on the Uganda Railway, British East Africa; altitude about 2000 meters.
no.    Dr. Edgar A. Mearns, Collector May 26 - June 1 1909

[[hand drawn line across page near the bottom]]
[[Typed paper inserted at bottom of page]]
Southern N'guaso Nyiro River "Sotik Country," British East Africa, altitude 1800-2000 meters
No.           Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector     June, 1909