Viewing page 29 of 156

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312 Gnophalium luteo. album L.
313 [[checkmark]] Euphorbiaceae
314 (Corvolo.)

315 (Corvolo.)

316 [[checkmark]]

317 [[checkmark]]

318 [[checkmark]] Anacardiaceae
        Rhus natalensis Krauss
319 [[checkmark]]

320 (Liliae.)

321 [[checkmark]]

322 [[checkmark]] Tiliaceae
323 [[checkmark]]

324 (Corvolo.)
[[end page]]
[start page]]
[[On a piece of paper pasted on to the top of the page]]
Southern N'guaso Nyiro River, "Sotik Country," British East Africa; altitude 1800-2100 meters
No.  Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collectors  June 1909