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1 Polypodium 2 Asplenium obovatum Viv. Aspleniaceae 3 Oxalis [[strikethrough?[[/strikethrough]] pes-caprae L. det A. Lourteig 2/1980 Oxalidaceae 4 Caperoides? 5 (Erieae.) 6 (Crassulae.) 7 (Euphorb.?) Euphorbia 8 ? ---- 9 ---- 10 Juncus 11 Ecalyptus 12 Casuarina ---- 13 Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Becherer Aspleniaceae [[end page]] [[start page]] SMITHSONIAN AFRICAN EXPEDITION UNDER THE DIRECTION OF COL. THEODORE ROOSEVELT (1909-10) Horta, Fayal Island, Azores No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector March 29, 1909 ---- [[opposite #9]] Aden, south-central Arabia; Dr. Edgar A. Mearns. April 15, 1909. ---- [[opposite #10]] Ismailiya, Suez Canal, Egypt. Dr. Edgar A. Mearns. April 10, 1909. ---- [[opposite #13]] Farm of Sir Alfred E. Pease, at Kitanga, Mwa Hills, 12 miles north of Kapiti station, Uganda Railway, British East Africa; altitude 1950-2160 meters No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector May 2-12, 1909