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27 (Gram.)
28 (Gram.)
29 (Cypr)
30 (Gram.)
31 (Gram.)
32 (Gram.)
33 (Rub.) Det. B. Verdcourt 30/11/50
[[underline]]Pentanisia ouranogyne[[/underline]] S. Moore
34 (Comp.)
35 (Liliae.)
36 (Gram.)
37 (Cyp.)
38 (Rub.?)
39 [strike[Rub.]] Apocynaceae
Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl  det Leeuwenberg 1983
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Farm of Sir Alfred E. Pease, at Kitanga, Mwa Hills, 12 miles north of Kapiti station, Uganda Railway, British East Africa; altitude 1950-2160 meters
No.   Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector     May 2-12, 1909

[[opposite #38]]
Banks of the Undurango, Nairobi, and Athi Rivers, in the vicinity of Juja Farm (the estate of W. N. McMillan), near Nairobi, British East Africa; altitude 1350-1440 meters
No.     Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector    May 12-20, 1909