Viewing page 8 of 156

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40 [[check mark]] Vitaceae
Rhoicissus revoilii Planch.
41 [[check mark]]
42 [[check mark]] Ebenaceae
Euclea divinorum Hiern
43 ([[check mark]]Legum.)  Det. J.B. Gillett 1968
[[underline]] Indigofera swaziensis [[/underline]] [strike[var.]] Bolus var. [[underline]] swaziensis [[/underline]]
44 ([[check mark]]Acanth.)
45 ([[check mark]]Comp.)
46 (Liliae.?)
47 (Comp.)
48 (Rub.) [[check mark]]
Oldenlandia wiedemannii K. Schum.
49 (Melanth.)
50 (Liliae.?)
51 (Acanth.)
52 (Legum.)  Det. J.B. Gillett 1968
[[underline]] Indigofera tanganyikensis [[/underline]] Bak. f.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Banks of the Undurango, Nairobi, and Athi Rivers, in the vicinity of Juja Farm (the estate of W. N. McMillan), near Nairobi, British East Africa; altitude 1350-1440 meters
No.     Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector    May 12-20, 1909