Viewing page 40 of 156

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

455  ^[[Geranium]]
456  ^[[(Comp.)]]
457  ^[[Umbell.]]
458  ^[[[[checkmark]] Ebenaceae]]
^[[Euclea divinorum Hiern]]
459  ^[[Seneciv]]
460  ^[[[[checkmark]]]]
461  ^[[[[checkmark]] Euphorbiaceae]]
^[[Croton macrostadiys Del.]]
462  ^[[(Malv.)]]
463  ^[[Aeanth.]]
464  ^[[(Scroph.)]]
465  ^[[(Cucumb.?) [[checkmark]]]]
^[[Momordica pterocarpa A. Rich.]]
466  ^[[(Asclep.)]]
467  ^[[(Acruith.)]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Southern N'guaso Nyiro River, "Sotik Country," British East Africa, altitude 1800-2100 meters

No.  Dr. EDGAR A MEARNS, Collector ^[[June 12-17,]] 1909