Viewing page 63 of 156

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754 (Legum.)  
     Vigna luteola (Jacq.) [[insertion]] - 2 sheets [[/insertion]] Benth. det Verdcourt
755 (Acanth.)
756 (Gramin.) 
757 Guaphalium [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] luteo -album L. Compositae
758 (Cyperac.)
759 (Comp.)
760 (Legum.) 
Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. det Verdcourt
761 (Cyp.)
762 (Amaranth.)
763 Persicaria
764 (Scroph.)
765 [[check mark]]
766 (Malv.)

[[end page]]

[start page]]

Vicinity of Lake Naivasha, British East Africa; from lake-level (1860 meters) to 1950 meters elevation 
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector July 17 to August 15, 1909

Transcription Notes:
760 Legum. EDGAR