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[[start left page]] 1859 [[Gramim?]]. >> 1860 Hypiricum. >> >> 1861 Legum. >> 1862 Rosae. 1863 Scroph. 1864 Gramin. 1865 [[Camp.?]] 1866 [[Camp.?]] 1867 [[strikethrough]] [[Meribouix?]] [[/strikethrough]] Legumiosae Desmodium repandum (Vahl) DC det B.G. Schubert 1/81 1868 (check mark) 1869 Coup. 1870 Gramium. [end page] [start page] From camp on Mount Kenia (2550 meters), at lower border of Bamboo zone, westward to the Kasorongai River (1950 meters), British East Africa. No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 17-19, 1909 [end page]