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[[Start page]] 
2677 Legum. 
 Abrus cf. canescens Welw. ex Bak. det B. Verdcourt 1969 
2678 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
[[underlined]]  Indigofera emarginella [[/underlined]] A. Rich.
2679 Legum. 
 Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. var. nubica Chiov. det. B. Verdcourt 12/69
2680 Bignoniac.
[[pencil line across]]
2681 [[strikethrough]] Urticac. [[/strikethrough]] Labiatae
 Iboza multiflora (Benth.) E. A. Bruce
2682 Cassia

2683 Comp.

2684 Legum.

2685 Peelaea

2686 [[checkmark]] Bixaceae
 Bixa orellana L. det D. Baer 1976
2687 [[strikethrough]] Caryopheypllac. [[/strikethrough]]  Acanthac.

2688 Conna

2689 Cucurbitae.
[[end page]] 
[[start page]]
Vicinity of Hoima, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 2 and 3, 1910
[[pencil line across]]__________________________________________________________[[Label]]
Vicinity of Eajuia, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector January 4, 1910
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