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[[underline]]8-3-58[[\underline]] continued adult cardinals 2 m & 2 f "White tail" dove 16 Martins on Martin house Hummingbird - Song sps. 8-4-58 Grackle at SE Feeder Cardinals, Martins still here 3 young cardinals 1 at d.r. window 3 doves *Flicker, prob. young, as red spot on head was a wash; [underline]]at fallen cherry[[\underline]] tree & basem. landing & all over close to house; hopping all around. Wren, heard - hgg clothes Song sparrows 2 Wrens - going in ^[[& out]] wren house Hummingbird X No-tail song sp. Titmouse Cowbird [[end page]] [[start page]] 8-4-cont Grackles overhead Mockers & babies Eng. sparrows Starlings Goldfinch Robin Red-winged Blackbird [[circled]] 17[[\circled] 8-5-58 - clear, bright, 65-85[[degree symbol]] [[check mark]] Flicker in back yard, on house-top; then calling across cul-de-sac & on top Evans' house. * Baltimore Oriole calling in back yard at 6:50 a.m. Jays - incl. young *Barnswallow - across Mabel's lawn head high 2 very mottled cowbirds 1 no-tail song sparrow Song sparrows 1 small Dove 2 Doves & others [[check mark]]Chickadee 2 Jays