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[[red *]] Rose-breasted Grosbeak     P.Martins
Ch. Swifts                           Titmouse
Bobwhite                             3 Nighthawk [[^strikethrough]] 4 [[\strikethrough]]

5-12-65-Wed 60° - 78°
Partly overcast - cooler -

[[red checkmark]] Blackpoll W's.      Wren
[[red checkmark]] Red-eyed Vireo
[[red *]] Scarlet Tanager [[male symbol]]
Orchard Oriole [[male symbol]]

5-13-65 Thurs. 55°- 82°
Beautiful day - wind 5 - 10 mph. NNW -
[[red checkmark]] Scarlet Tanager     [[red checkmark]] Wood Thrush
4 P.Martins ^ 2[[male symbol]] 2[[female symbol]]        [[red checkmark]]O.Oriole [[male symbol]]
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Perfect day! Brilliant -
wind 10 - 15mph NW
Yellow W.       2 chickadee
Wood Thrush     Hum.bird
C. Waxwings     Doves
Blackpoll W     Kingbird
Chipping Sp. 
Downy [[female symbol]]

5-15-65 50° - 80°
Glorious day - calm to 
10 mph. W. + occ. SE

O.Oriole [[male symbol]]^{in willow & all about yd.[[male symbol]] Jays
[[red *]] Gr. Crested Flycatcher ^in willow                      Robins
Cowbirds                    Doves
Wood Thrush                 Mockers
Song Sps.                   Cardinals
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