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7-18-65-Sun. 65[[degree symbol]]-93[[degree symbol]]
Mostly sunny-hot
fairly humid

Ind. Bunting [[male symbol]]     Jays
Field Sp. [[male symbol]]        Doves
Goldfinch [[male symbol]]        Robins
Thrasher                         P. Martins
Yellowthr. [[male symbol]]     4 Ch. Swifts
[[red checkmark]] Flicker [[female symbol]] at bird bath                        Mockers
Catbirds                         Engl. Sps.
Song Sps.                        Grackles
[[red checkmark]] Kingbird in yd. 

Thunderstorm- rain starting
7:35 PM [[in red]]- 9:30
[[number crossed out]] 2.65" at Falls Church
[[red asterisk]] 3" at Lynn Rogers (here)
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[[start of page]]
7-19-65-Mon. 65[[degree symbol]]-93[[degree symbol]][[crossed out]]
60[[degree symbol]]-87[[degree symbol]]
Delightful day-fresh, + cooler

[[red checkmark]] Red-belly [[female symbol]] at [[suet]]       4 Jays
Cardinals         Doves
P. Martins        Catbirds
Downy             Song Sps.
[[red checkmark]] Wood Thrush       Engl. "
Ind. Bunting [[male symbol]] Mockers
Goldfinch [[male symbol]]    Grackles
Field Sp. [[male symbol]]    Starlings
[[red checkmark]]Thrasher    Robins

7-20-65 60[[degree symbol]]-80[[degree symbol]]
Wonderful day!

[[red checkmark]] Towhee [[red checkmark]] Hairy [[male symbol]]
Ind. Bunting           Robins
Field Sp.  [[red checkmark]] Wood Thr. [[male symbol]]
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