Viewing page 29 of 41

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[[start of page]]
8-6-65   65[[degree symbol]]-90[[degree symbol]]
Fine day- overcast at first then clearing
Flicker               Downy
Towhee [[male symbol]]   Crows
P. Martins  
Ch. Swifts

8-7-65 Sat. 70[[degree symbol]]-92[[degree symbol]]
Hot-humid-breeze SE 10-30 mph.

Barn Sws.             Jays
P. Martins            Doves
Song Sps.             Grackles
Titmice               Starlings
Mockers               Eng Sps.
Cardinals (+imm)      Robins (s)
Catbirds              Ch. Swifts
[[end of page]]

[[start of page]]
Downy             Hairy
2 Crows o'head    Goldfinch
Field Sp. [[male symbol]](s) Hummingbird

8-8-65 Sun.
Clear-hot-good thunder-shower in evening 0.5"[[underlined in red]]
[[red checkmark]] Kingbird in yd    Song Sps.
Thrasher (anting)              Engl. Sps.
Crows                              Grackles
Field Sp.               Starlings [[down arrow]]
Robins                              Doves
Mockers                             Jays
Hairy [[female symbol]]             Crows
Catbirds                            P. Martins
Cardinals                           Goldfinch
Barn Swallows

[[down arrow]] Incl one with gray forehead
[[end of page]]