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[[start page]]
Starlings     Goldfinches
Grackles       Thrashers
Downys [[male and female symbols]]  Field Sp. [[male symbol]]
1 P. Martin [[male symbol]]

* 1 Broad-winged Hawk
flying N, low over 
Beltway (Rt.495) near
Alexandria, about 5:00 

4-30-65 Fri
Brilliant day - warm-
wind= W  5-15mph - glorious

P Martins 2[[male symbol]]/ [[female symbol]]  Jays
Towhee [[male symbol]](all day)  * 2 tree Swallows
2 H Wrens
* 6 Broad-wings 11:20   Doves
* 1 Osprey   11:23     Robins
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
2 Barn Swallows    Thrashers
2 Ch. Swifts     Song Sps.
2 Crows         Engl. Sps
[[underlined]]2[[/underlined]] Catbirds  Grackles
Starlings      Field Sp. [[male symbol]]
Cardinals     Goldfinch [[male symbol]]
Titmouse     2 Chickadees

Sue to Notre Dame

5-1-65 Sat. 52[[degree symbol]]-73[[degree symbol]]
To Mt. Gilead with 30 members of Chapter
Partly overcast - warm

9 Ch Swifts    2 Chickadees
P. Martins       Thrasher
Grackles       Catbird
Bob White       Robins
[[end page]]