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[[start page]]
Towhee [[male symbol]]    Cardinals
Engl. Sps.                Barn Swallows
Song Sps.                 Crow
H. Wrens                  Field Sp.
Goldfinch [[male symbol]]
[[red *]] Kingbird (7:45AM) Jays
3 P. Martins  ^&later 2[[male symbol]] 1[[female symbol]] Doves
Chickadees                Grackles
Towhee                    Starlings
Robins                    Engl. Sps.
Mockers                   Cardinals
Thrasher                  H. Wrens.
Catbirds                  Ch. Swifts
Song Sps.                 Crows
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[red checkmark]] Wood Thrush in yard(in woods also)
[[underline]] 5-2-65 ^Marilla saw [[underlined in red]]Blue Grobeak [[\underline]]^Barcroft Pk.
5-3-65_Mon.-91[[degree symbol]]
Took Sue to MWC
-brilliant day-
hot 91[[degree symbol]]record; (90-May 3, 1913)

[[red *]]Horned Lark                 Robins
Bobwhite                             Doves
[[red checkmark]] 2 Tree Swallows    Jays
Flicker at water                     Engl. Sps.
3 Catbirds                           Grackles
3 H. Wrens                           Starlings
White-thr. [[male symbol]]           P. Martins(6)
[[red *]] Nighthawk (7:15)
Song Sps.                            Field Sp.
Thrasher                             Cardinals
[[end page]]