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[[stamped page number in upper left corner]] 56 [[end stamp]] Guadeloupe 24.

Saw a flower rather similar to the one that Mrs. Dearborn sent Mrs. Avery one time. It was on a small palm-like plant.
After lunch we wrote letters, etc. I wrote Ted [[Gochokke ?]] a letter that is a whole year overdue. I don't know his address, so I made the envelope look as official and important as possible.
[[left margin notation]] XI-9-35 [[end margin note]] Spent the morning packing.
Also looked at a small fungus near the house. One Staph was there but escaped,--or rather I was so clumsy that I dropped it. Took a few little scolytids or something.
Right after lunch loaded every thing into the car, started it by coasting down hill, and left for Pointe-a Pitre. Lunch had terrible, even worse than breakfast, as we were certainly relieved to be on our way.
Stopped once on the way where Ruth saw a nice bunch of fresh fungus on a log.
[[underline]]Station 85. [[/underline]]
Three miles north of Capesterre along road to Pointe-a Pitre. Found a large number of 
[[underlined, penciled ? note in left margin]] 824 Staphs [[end margin note]] Staphs in small white fungi. There were at least two and apparently four or five species, and in greater abundance than I've seen before. The big lot from Puerto Rico was taken on a very much larger lot of fungus.
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[[stamped page number in upper right corner]] 57 [[end stamp]]

When we reached town we went direct to the office of the Furness Line (Paul Dormay, Agent) to see if there was any mail. The office was empty, and so was that of the man from whom the car was rented. So we decided we'd have to leave the car on the street all night. At dinner, however, the man appeared, saying he had seen the car and would put it in a garage. I got the keys and he discovered that the battery is dead. Then we (the landlord, a bar-boy, and I) pushed the car and it started easily. Since then we haven't seen the man though he said he'd be back later. We had to take a room on the 1[[superscript]]st[[/superscript]] (not ground) floor for one night, so didn't unpack any.
[[left margin notation]] XI-10-35 [[end margin note]] Sunday. We went around to the S.S. Co. office and found it open and working at capacity (?). There [[was a]] [[overwritten]] were [[end overwriting]] five letters for us (4 for Ruth and 1 for me!) and Mr. Dormay was able to give us some information concerning the Nerissa, round-trip tickets, [[strikethrough]]etc[[/strikethrough]] ^[[and]] schedules. We then went to the Post office, which was also open, and mailed our letters. The rest of the morning was spent waiting for the maids to get another room ready for us. Moved in the afternoon. No word yet from the car-owner.
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