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[[left page]] [[stamped page number, upper left]] 76 [[/stamp]] Trinidad 10. [[underline]] Station 95. [[/underline]] Vicinity of Coco on the Western Main Road about five miles west of the Port of Spain. A single Lycid flying. The Hydrophilid was already in the bottle and was a hangover from one of the previous islands. I think it came from Antigua, but can't be sure. Spent the morning reading and studying the map. After lunch we decided to do a little sight-seeing. We took a St. Ann's car, passed the Victoria Institute, the gaol, the Savanna with its race track, royal palms, etc, and went a few blocks into a very nice residential district. At the end of the line we got off and walked about a little to see some of the gardens nearby. A little stream had quite a few tadpoles and small fish. I'll have to try to get some for Leo Myers. We took the next car back and transferred to an outward bound Belmont car. This runs through a much poorer part of the city, where the houses are small and closer together, and there was no incentive to get off and explore. We came back in time for tea, and enjoyed it as usual. [[end page]] [[start right page]] [[stamped page number, upper right]] 77 [[/stamp]] [[left margin note]] XI-25-35 [[/margin note]] Went to town in the morning but spent the rest of the day unpacking and arranging the room. [[left margin note]] XI-26-35 [[/margin note]] The [strikethrough]McCormack [[/strikethrough]]] ^[[American Caribbean]] S.S. Co. boat [[strikethrough]] West Ira was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[was]] due this morning from [[strikethrough]] Puerto Rico [[/strikethrough]] St. Thomas, and since there was a chance it had picked up the motor I went down to the office. The boat was in, but had no cargo from St. Thomas. So I walked up to the Arima Bus Depot and caught a bus for St. Augustine. when I arrived at the college, Mr. Adamson was in a class, so I waited about half an hour. [[note in margins, underlined and written in black ink]] Photo #48 [[/note]] I had brought along my copy of Snodgrass for him to borrow. After we had talked for a while he suggested that we go over to meet Sir Geoffrey Evans, Principal of the college. We did this, and I wrote my name in Sir Jeffrey's visitors book. He was very pleasant, and suggested to Mr. Adamson several people who might help me, and asked him to give me letters of introduction to them. We then went upstairs to the library, in charge of Mrs. Carmichael, to see if they had copies of any entomological glossaries. They had none but I did borrow a copy of the Am. Midland. Nat. that had Don Frizzell's type paper. I was very kindly granted the use of the library and the privilege of withdrawing books. [[end page]]