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[[stamped page number upper left]] 86 [[end stamp]] Trinidad 20.

At five forty-five we got a taxi to take us out to St. Augustine. We went to the Adamson's, and then with them to the Carmichael's, to a cocktail party. Some of the same people that we met at the Adamson's were there, and quite a few others. We didn't really get introduced around so can't give the names. One lady, Mrs.     , gave me the name of an entomologist in the Malay that would be interested in exchanges. M. Pendleberry, Mus. Kuala Lumpor, Selangor, Federated Malay States. A young man named Arner (an engineer at the Pan-American airport) told Ruth and me of an 11 1/2 inch centipede he has been keeping alive for some months. He seemed willing to part with it, and I suggested that Dr. Mann might be glad to have it at the Zoo. (Spent afternoon at I.C. library.) The Adamsons drove us back to town and we declined their offer to join them at a movie.
[[left margin note]] XII-7-35 [[end margin note]] Yesterday afternoon at the library at the college I catalogued a few articles on Staphs and examined several of the standard text books for the same purpose. I brought home with me a copy of Smith's Glossary and ordered 1000 more 3x5 cards. This contains about 5000 definitions. Worked on it all day.
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[[stamped page number, upper right]] 87  [[end stamp]]

[[left margin note]] XII-8-35 [[end margin note]] Sunday. Didn't go out at all. Kept at work on the glossary cards.
[[left margin note]] XII-9-35 [[end margin note]] Another day at the cards. It is very slow work. In the afternoon went to the Post Office to send off the twelve letters of Ruths' to various West Indian postmasters requesting sets of the Jubilee stamps. It took a long time to get all the money orders and I didn't get finished.
[[left margin note]] XII-10-35 [[end margin note]] Finished the money orders, and then went to the office of the French Line to see if they knew of the steamer Saint Dominque. they said it was one of their boats but doesn't come here. Cargo is transhipped at Martinique, and in this case would wait four days for the Flandre. That would bring it here on the 16 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]].
In the afternoon I went again to the library. On the way out I spotted from the bus a small bit of fungus just before milepost 2 1/2.
In the evening Pound phoned but could not make Miss Huggins understand who he wanted. She told me next morning.
[[left margin note]] XII-11-35 [[end margin note]] Cards in the morning, and to the library in the afternoon. The bus took over an hour to go the seven miles Ordered and got 2000 more index cards. it doesn't take long to use them up this way!
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