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[[start left-hand page]] [[stamped]] 2 [[/stamp]] Puerto Rico 2. a young fellow sitting on it and opening the sidecar. I ran up and grabbed him, and demanded an explanation. He said he was merely "watching" it, and professed to be a regular "watcher of cars" for the hotel. I made him come back to the hotel, and the proprietress knew him but said he was not in her employ. After that I didn't dare leave the motor out unlocked, so I found a private garage and put it in there for the night. [[left margin note]] IX-19-35 [end margin note]] After breakfast I telephoned to Chardon. When I finally reached him, he made an appointment with us for 11[[underlined superscript]]45[[\superscript]]. We went down town earlier and I bought a suit at Padin's. It cost $6[[underlined superscript]]50[[\superscript]]. We also went to the Department of the Interior and got my Driver's License and permit to drive the motorcycle with [[D.C.?]] license plates. At 11[[underlined superscript]]45[[\superscript]] we went up to Chardon's office. He was having a series of conferences with officials of some sort and we waited a few minutes. We finally went in and were greeted cordially. I think he recognized me, though he apparently hadn't remembered the name over the phone. He dictated a letter of introduction to the Director of the Experiment Station at Rio Piedras and one to the Director at Mayaquez. As we were leaving he gave us an inscribed copy of his [[end page]] [[start right-hand page]] [[stamped page number]] 3 [[\stamp]] 350 page book entitled "Mycological Explorations of Venezuela." It seems to be a very nice work, and will be of some help in identifying fungi from the West Indies. He also told us that the following gentleman will identify Puerto Rican fungi: L.O. Overholts, Dept of Botany, Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. In the afternoon we looked for another place to live as the hotel is a little too expensive. We found a nice room in an apartment (rooming?) house on Olimpo Street, just across from the Union Club. It is quite a comfortable room, for $9 a week. We also made arrangements to get meals at the Union Club. It is apparently the only place to get American meals, though they aren't at all cheap, - $15 a week, apiece. [[left margin notation]] IX-20-35 [[end margin note]] Went out to the University again, and had considerable trouble finding out where the Experiment Station is. Finally we took a taxi and arrived there. Our letter from Chardon was to Mr F.A. Lopez Dominguez, the Director, but he was not at the office. So we went around to find Dr. Wolcott by ourselves. We found him in his office in very informal attire, and had a pleasant talk with him for half an hour. He told us where the places are at which one can obtain accommodations [[end page]]