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2. way through the Forge Channell out to the broad expanse of First Lake. This is a fairly large lake with a great bay projecting to the southward. Rounding a point we soon were in Second Lake and on our left came into view the long hogsback summit of Bald Mountain. The peculiar shape of this mountain became more distinct as we entered Third Lake - a small, almost circular body of water, the shores dotted with several camps the great Bald Mountain House being by far the most prominent. A stranger would think that we had reached the end of our journey in this large boat for no outlet appears as you swing into the lake. However the boat, seemingly headed for a sandy beach, nosese its way into a narrow winding channel, the great forest reaching to the water's edge on both sides. A final turn is made and you enter the largest and best known of these lakes - Fourth Lake. [[image - a black-and-white photograph of a body of water, presumably a lake, with a boat with four persons in the middle; glued to the left side of the page, with caption]] [[underlined]] Fourth Lake [[/underlined]] By this time a dense pall of smoke had settled down, blotting out the sun, the mountains, the forest, and even the very water at the side of the ship. Somewhere to the north the great woods were burning and a change in the wind was blowing vast clouds of smoke down upon us. Crawling slowly along we made our way up the south shore of the lake, stopping every now and then to discharge passengers, men