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                            Sunday, August 23.
   After breakfast we threw away much of our equipment, believing that this was to be our last meal out. By nine o'clock we had traversed Brown's Tract Inlet and Eighth Lake and thw two carries and were just rounding into Seventh. Here we encountered such a terrif[[strikethrough 'f']]ic storm blowing down the lake from the west, that we decided to make for the shore and wait for it to abate.
   Shortly after reaching land, two girls came up and invited us to go to their camp where we might be more comfortable. Indeed, so comfortable did they make us that we did the very impolite act of going to sleep. It must have been due to our early start and the brisk wind that we were so sleepy as we had slept splendidly the night before. At any rate, when they awoke us, it was about 12:30 and we had slept nearly three hours. Dinner was all ready for us and they insisted on our staying.
[[image: b/w photo of tents in a wood with two women and small girl]][[caption]]Wind-bound on Seventh Lake[[/underlined]]
   As the wind did not let up any, we spent the afternoon midst these delightful surroundings, playing cards part of the time. By 3:30 the wind had quieted down and we were able to continue on our way. At the head of Sixth Lake I met my friends, the French-Canadian basket-makers, and had a pleasant conversation in French with them. At 6:28 - to be exact - we reached our starting point, the camp of Mr. and Mrs. Eckler.