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7 a deep pool of water between two high blocks of limestone. Off with the tack & saddles drive the animals in for a swim. Carry the luggage over the rocks repack & then find the trail obstructed again. A log 20 feet long is hauled by ropes up the side of a slanting rock fastened there and stones & dirt thrown against it to form a path. The white mule rebels, lies down, rolls half over. Unpack pull her up, [[underlined]] beat [[/underlined]] well for future admonition not to repeat the caper. Drive her over carry the pack & start down the canon. The sun is getting low so a level freshet sand beach is selected and the tent put up. A hearty supper & soon the cares of the day are forgotten in reading & writing. The grass is high along the stream & all are content once more. One object not mentioned is worthy of it