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as the dust has not washed off the rocks.  What a sight it would have been to have seen this great mass, 1000 feet high topple over & plunge into the canon beneath filling it to a depth of 100 feet.  Luckily it was in a broad portion of the canon or our path would have been permanently obstructed.  The cliff looks as tho' it had lost a chip off its red surface leaving a long white seam.  Small masses fall frequently as we have seen them freshly broken lying in the bed of the canon.  I trust they will hold up until we return tho' [[strikethrough]] the by [[/strikethrough]] canon and by then I do not care to be blocked in [[here?]] or crushed.  To die here would be unfortunate.  Not so much to me as to those left behind.  I prefer to meet that friend or foe as the case may be among those that have a care for my comfort and