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16271 Shrub 3 - 4 ft, flowers yellow, dry gorge of the Shou chu, at Lania camp, elev. 8600 ft. 16272 Rosa sp? in spruce forests of Rarontong, elev. 12600 ft flowers white, shrub 15 ft. northwest of Mt. Mitzuga. 16273 Composite shrub, flowers white 4 ft. dry gorge of Shou chu 9000 ft. 16274 herb, flowers yellow, dry banks arid gorge of Shouchu, elev, 9000 ft. 16275 Clematis sp? shrub 5 - 6 ft. erect, flowers white, arid gorge of Shou chu, elev. 9000 ft. 16276 Jasminum sp? shrub 2 - 3 ft, flowers large yellow, dry arid gorge of Shouchu 8000 ft elev. 16277 herb, flowers blue, near Kauara cha gomba, Shouchu valley elev. 9500 ft. dry banks. 16278 Lychins sp? flowers pink, same loc. as 16277 16279 Spiraea sp? shrub 4 - 5 ft, arid slopes of Shouchu valley elev 8500 ft flowers white 16280 Rhododendron sp? shrub 10 - 15 ft, flowers large [[underlined]] white [[/underlined]] not yellow but in company with yellow Rhod. slopes of Mt. Konka (eastern) above Garuh elev. 13000 ft.