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16411 Myosotis sp? flowers large a sky blue, leaves green not silvery but grey pubescent. forms cushions among slate (loose rocks) elev. 17000 ft. Jüssa laka pass, Mt. Shanandodji east slopes. Mt. Konka. 

16412 Crucifer flowers blue pink-mauve to white, in loose slate submerged in running water, western slopes of Mt. Sheurezig, Mt. Konka, elev. 16500 ft. 

16413 Crucifer, probably same as 16412 flowers blue, Jüssa laka pass, elev 16900 ft. same loc. as no 16411. 

16414 Primula? sp? flowers red - wine colored, leave glossy green, forcing large cushions among schist and loose rocks on Yaka pass 16300 ft. southern slopes of Jambiyang Mt. Konka. 

16415 [[strikethrough]] larch [[/strikethrough]] cushion plant, leaves dull green, fleshy, flowers red, on loose scree and limestone rocks valley of Batru manyi, eastern slopes of Shanandodji Mt. Konka. elev. 16300 ft. 

16416 Senecio sp? large - leaved tall 2 - 3 ft in loose gravelly rocky water courses at 15600 ft, slopes of Mt. Konka, Shanandodji. 

16417 Composite, forming rosettes in alpine meadows [[strikethrough]] above  Garu [[/strikethrough]] slopes of Mt. Shanandodji and Sheurezig elev. 15800 ft. Mt. Konka, Bayu camp, flowers purple. 

16418 Composite similar to 16417, but in alpine meadows at 14200 ft above Garu, eastern slopes of Mt. Konka Shanandodji. 

16419 Crucifer cushion plant, flowers blue, near pass Jüssa laka among rocks 16900 ft. Mt. Konka. 

16420 Crucifer leaves large fleshy dull green, among limestone bowlder elev. 16000 ft, flowers? at Ba - yu camp, Mt. Konka Shanandodji.